Chapter 14

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You woke up with a severe headache. The admirable view of Jimin walking shirtless across the room to get a clean tee didn't grab your attention due to the pain. You sat on the bed supporting your back on the headboard, holding onto your aching head.

"You're up?" Jimin asked while putting the t-shirt over his head and pulling it downwards.

"Please tell me I'm not dying," you said in your morning voice, your hands still around your head which was throbbing with pain.

"You were pretty drunk yesterday night so it is obviously a hangover," he said as he grabbed a water bottle from the table and handed it over to you.

"Have some water and join us on the dining table, Jin hyung is making hangover soup!" he said sweetly and kissed you on the cheek, before leaving the room.

"Oppa..." You called him, causing him to turn.

"What happened?" He asked with a clueless expression, walking towards you and sitting in front of you on the sheets.

"Did I do anything stupid? You know after getting tipsy and all" You asked a little bit hesitant.

Tipsy? Definitely an understatement. The previous night and the hidden crazy drunk side of Yoona flashed in his mind, causing him to smile unintentionally.

"Well, you did nothing embarrassing," He lied, She just woke up, he can't tell her that she almost got married to him or she set the dining table on fire.

"Be there soon, I'll save you a seat on my lap" he said while winking. You let out a giggle causing him to smile.

"I won't mind, you are the shy one," You said with a smile and booped his nose.

He looked in your direction, stared straight into your eyes. You stare back at his raven-black eyes, your cheeks were literally on fire. He leans in closer, moves to your ear and whispers.

"Says the one who can't look into my eyes without turning as red as a tomato"

You pushed him away jokingly.

"Whatever," you said as you fanned yourself, your words filled with frustration. He just laughed out loud, completely satisfied with your reaction.

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Totally loving this cute, embarrassed side of you, my little tomato"

"Don't call me that!"

"Call you what? Tomato? Ok my little tomato, I won't call you tomato ever again,"

"I hate you"

"Love you too"

He pecked your nose and walked away.

You smiled to yourself, while simultaneously feeling embarrassed. You untangled your hair with your fingers, cleaned yourself up a bit, drank some water, and headed to the dining table.

"Good Morning Everyone!" You said heartily, trying your level best to cheer 6 grown men, who were busy handling their hangover.

Some of them replied while others didn't.

"Here is your soup!" Jimin said as he passed me your bowl

"Lick your cup clean and deal with your hangover," he said as he petted your hair as if you were a five-year-old.

"Oppa" you called out.

"What" replied the 7 men in unison, startling you and creating an awkward silence after that.

"Yoongi Oppa, Can you pass me a spoon," you said sweetly with a smile.

"YOU DON'T CALL ME THAT!" he shouted, causing you and the others to flinch.

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