Chapter 6

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You were pulled outside by a stranger. The unreadable expression on his face made adrenaline rush inside your veins. You broke free from his grasp by forcefully jerking him away from yourself.

"You got the wrong person, mister," you said as you stood as away as possible from him.

"Yoona, let's not make it harder than it already is. Just come with me" he said, almost begged you with an ice-cold gaze affixed to you. Which confused you.

"You know my name," you said as you moved further away from this potential danger.

You were scared and definitely panicking but you were not dumb enough to let this stranger in front of you know.

"It's for our best," he said, trying to sound convincing. That was the sign. You started to run away but soon you were caught by a pair of strong arms.

All you felt was a cloth against your nose and it was all pitch dark...


The surrounding you woke up in was very bright as compared to the darkness your pupils were used to, they made you squint like an irresponsible teenager who doesn't wear her spectacles. With much difficulty when you did open your eyes, you found yourself in an unknown room.

You felt as if you were beaten up, your body felt weak. You tried to recollect events but you just couldn't remember anything. Just the strange kidnapper who made you unconscious. You almost believed you were kidnapped and are now missing a lung and a pair of kidneys.

But the room didn't smell or look like a dungeon where mostly kidnapped people are locked up in. Were you being trafficked? Panic filled you till the brim.

You felt a spark of energy fill you up when you turned to your left just to see a peaceful Jimin sleeping on the couch. He was sitting with his arms crossed at his chest, his head uncomfortably resting on the couch.

You turned to lay on your side and you just admired him. As if nothing really happened. In this quiet room which was filled with the soft rumbling of the air conditioner and the second's needle on the clock, ticking endlessly and taking away the precious time from your reach as a mere mortal, all you cared about was the matching paces of yours and Jimin's inhales and exhales.

You also couldn't help but noticed how uncomfortable Jimin, it made you frown. You brainstormed for a bit too long and came up with the most obvious idea. Support his head with a pillow and wrap him with a blanket.

A No-brainer!

You picked up the pillow beside you and the blanket. You made your way to Jimin, your steps as soft as a bride walking down the aisle. You obviously didn't want him to wake up.

You wrapped the blanket around him and then you subtly placed the pillow underneath his head.

You let a smile of victory decorate your face, your eyes wandered around his features. You smiled wider as your eyes landed on the pout that his sleepy face made. As you stared longer at the pout you couldn't help but pay attention to his plump rosy lips.

A sudden intriguing thought flew across your mind.

How would they feel against mine?

This made your eyes go wide. Your cheeks turned the darkest crimson as you vigorously shook your head, scolding yourself.

You sat back on the bed and drank the whole glass of water that rested on the bedside table, to cool your wild thoughts in the middle of the night, 11:59 to be precise according to the timepiece.

You were about to keep the glass back on the table. It was only a second later, just as the hour and the minute hand overlapped, your eyes landed on lips.

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