Chapter 10

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Yoona's pov

"What I mean? Let me show you" you said as you aggressively flipped through the diary and turned to that one page, the source of your newly gained belief.

"Dear Diary, Oppa called me and asked me to come to the park. I thought he was seriously going to confess when he showed up with a rose. He said he wanted to test out vegetative propagation which was definitely a lie. When will he stop being such a pussy, or should I take the first step" You read out from the diary and then handed him the notebook.

"I remember that day" you declared, causing a shift in the air. Everything as if stopped for a moment.

"I remember that pleasant sunny day, the red rose and that bright yellow tee which you were wearing that day" you mumbled as if you were trying to explain it to yourself. You felt yourself suddenly sweating and panicking for no specific reason.

"Yoona? Are you okay?" He asked as he worriedly approached you.

"I remember that day clearly! Believe me" you said with your suddenly shaky and anxious voice. "Everything about it gives rise to a million questions but believe me I remember it"

If you were to question yourself why did you want him to believe'd be left unanswered. And that's because it wasn't about him or him believing the fact that you remembered a part of your lost memories. It was all about you.

All you knew about losing your memories in a car accident was the fact that you lost them in a car accident. Nothing more, nothing less...thanks to your parents. There were times when you got so curious about your long-gone memories that you would have concessions and severe headaches.

But that didn't answer the burning question inside you, What were those lost memories?

When you first found the book and read wanted to believe the person was you. You wanted the memories back so bad. Truth or just a mere fantasy, you had already accepted you were the owner of that diary.

He pulled you into his embrace. He wrapped his hands supportively around you and said, "I believe you." in the softest tone you've ever heard, because of those beautiful sincere words you melted into his embrace. Holding him closer than he already is.

"Is something troubling you?" He asked and the sudden need to tell him everything broke out inside you.

"I'm so confused. I feel as if my head will burst if I think about it any longer" you said as you felt tears rolling down your cheeks which eventually dampened Jimin's shirt.

Jimin didn't know what to feel at this moment. He was fearful, pained and broken. He wanted to tell it all, everything he has been holding back, he has been wanting to tell but he can't go through what the both of you went through. Not again.

"The throbbing headaches are back. I can't sleep peacefully these days. I get these repetitive nightmares all over and over again" you said, completely losing your composure.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked delicately.

His question was left unanswered as the thick silence surrounding you worsened.

"Who are we to each other?" You asked bluntly out of the blue, but he didn't push the question away. He grabbed your hand and made you sit on the couch.

"I want you to relax and put no stress on your brain. Just listen to all the information as if it's a story. Ok?" He asked as he looked at your direction for your confirmation.

" are telling me about?"

"You, me, your lost memories and everything in between"

And with that Jimin took the most impulsive decision of his life.

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