Chapter 3

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Author's POV

You saw some suitcases in the corner of the room. You were shocked about how quickly your bags reached here. You looked around the room again, realizing it really was happening. The whole sudden marriage that you never agreed for was going to happen, the moving in was just a formality. You knew it all.

You washed up and changed into your PJs. You heard grumbling noises from your stomach. You were about to go to the kitchen downstairs to make some food when your phone buzzed.

It was a message from Jimin,


Jimin: the food is ready!!

You: I'm so touched! You are a life saver.


You went down to see 4 burnt pans in the sink and panda express packages on the dining table.

"I guess you fixed the dinner all by yourself," you said with a smile while getting down the stairs.

"I kinda tried to make you some steak but I failed miserably, I hope you're ok with Chinese food"

"I'm more than just OK with Chinese food and I'm completely moved by your effort"

He smiled shyly and said "You are being cheesy now"

"You are the one who is cheesy, I mean what was with the flirting in middle of a group chat"

"What was with it?" he asked with an innocent expression.

"Nevermind, Let's eat!" You said while grabbing a cup.

He started to eat too, midway he stopped and said "I don't really flirt with just anyone"

"I wasn't even judging you, eat up Jiminie before the food gets cold"

"Just to remind you I'm 25 and you are 24 so that makes me your OPPA!!"

"sunbaenim...since you were my senior in high school, I like it better"

"Well, that didn't go as planned" Jimin thought.

You were done eating. So, both of you talked about high school and about your common interests.

"What kind of music do you like?" he asked curiously.

"You know BTS? I love them"

"Oh, that boyband? I know them too. Who is your favorite member? Mine is V"

I seriously know nothing about BTS, just saw those guys on the news, V was the easiest to remember...I need to do some research work...


"Mine is Jimin, he is so cute and talented at the same time" You excited.

"His name is Jimin too? I had that name first, copycat" he mumbled the latter part, he wasn't exactly happy at the excited introduction of this random k-pop idol. 

"I knew him before I even met you, he is the first Jimin I know," You said proudly.

"But I've been Jimin for 25 years now"

"This is a dumb argument anyways," You said as a light yawn exited your mouth.

"I guess someone is sleepy...well let's tuck you in!" he said while grabbing you hand and pulled you towards your bedroom. You were subtly surprised at his sudden actions but you weren't really complaining.

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