Chapter 7

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You woke up due to your blaring irritating alarm. It annoyed the hell out of you but served its purpose. You woke up.

It's already 7'o clock...seriously???

I just freaking closed my eyes!!!!

You rolled over the bed burying your face deeper into the linen, feeling Jimin's fragrance filling your lungs and soothing your soul. His scent was slowly warming you up and your lips automatically curve upwards.


You immediately got up and stretched yourself. You looked to your left where the lonely empty Jimin-less couch laid. The conversation from the previous night flashed in your mind as you made your way to the washroom to get ready.

"Obviously it's a question, Yoona will you be my girlfriend?"

"You are so adamant"

"I like you, that's one solid reason"

"I still don't know-"

He muffled your words as he kissed you, softly pressed his lips against yours, then he pulled away and smiled innocently.

"Day 1 starts tomorrow," he said as he pecked your lips once again. He laid on the couch on his back and looked over at you who was as still as a stone statue.

"Are you forcing me into a relationship? That's toxic" you said after a pause.

"It's not a relationship, it's more like a preview"

"Does that mean if I don't like your whole preview thing, I can just dump you and move on?"

"It's a bit harsh to frame it that way but yeah sure. But I don't think you will"

"Aren't you a little too confident about yourself?"

"No, I'm just very passionate about you. There's just one Park Jimin in this whole wide world who loves you like crazy so make wise decisions"

"Your feelings escalated from like to love rather quickly"

"They have been the same, I was just being thoughtful of you. I couldn't have just confessed that I'm head over heels for you and scare you, right?"

"Good Night, Oppa," you said abruptly and faced the other side and slept. Jimin rather appreciated it because he obviously didn't want you to see his blushing self, the word 'oppa' from the girl he loved did stuff to his heart, especially when he wasn't ready to be attacked.

You got ready and realized you still have an hour before you have to leave, so you decided to watch some YouTube compilations of Jimin being cute, the BTS one obviously.

You sat on the bed with the headboard supporting your back and started watching them. Someone knocks the bedroom door, the sound echoed through the room but your eyes were glued to the device.

"Yeah come in..." You said

"Good Morning Princess!"Jimin said with enthusiasm-filled eyes.

"Good Morning," You replied, emotion-less.

"At least look at me while saying it" He complained. You just hummed in response.

"Are you maybe watching that guy who stole my name?"

"No, he didn't steal your name"

"Yoona-ya this is not what you are supposed to do on our Day-1" He whined desperately looking for his brand new girlfriend's attention.

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