Chapter 5

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Who asked them to come this early it's only 10 am right now...Yoona was saying something.

*sighs internally*

"Sure lets cook," you said excitedly replicating the reactions of the people around you.

"But before we start, keeping in mind the fact that we are 8 people in total, I think we should divide ourselves into teams," said Hoseok with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Me and Jungkook," said Taehyung.

"Me and Jin, as he is a good cook! Right?" You said as you looked at Jimin as he was the source of that piece of information.

The rest were simply alarmed at how it was not going according to their plan.

"But Yoona don't you think I should be paired with Jin as I am really bad at cooking, you are still feasible..." said Joon with desperation.

"Nice save" Hoseok whispered into Joon's ear. Earning a proud smile from him.

"Oh, then me and jimin," you said and Jimin displayed a wide victorious grin.

"Yah! I can't be paired with this grandpa he would do nothing" cried Hoseok.

Everyone laughed hysterically, as Hoseok threw a fit.

"You guys can be the drinks team" You suggested.

"Sounds good to me," said Yoongi with indifference.

"Anything would sound good to you as you would do nothing," Hoseok said.

"We will make side dishes, Rice and stir-fried pork," said Jin.

"We can make Kimchi stew...thats the only thing I think cannot flop," You said while looking at Jimin and then at the others.

"We will make chicken nuggets!!" said Jungkook.

"We will make 7 cocktails and a mocktail as Yoona does not drink," said Yoongi finally taking an initiative.

"So let's get started!!" said Taehyung.

~10 minutes later~

"Yah! you need the beat the eggs before you pour it onto the pan for making an egg roll!!" screamed Jin.

"Sorry hyung" apologized Joon for the thousandth time today.

Your stew was on the stove, so you were just chatting.

"You don't drink?" asked Jimin

"No...I never really took the initiative" you said.

"Don't worry! Jiminie will teach you" he said while patting his chest.

"I'll be honored" you replied with a smile.

After that small talk, You started to talk to your friend from the US who had called were in the balcony talking while Jimin was whining like a five-year-old.

"First you guys then that dumb friend of hers why does it always happen with me?" cried Jimin.

"Stop whining hyung," said Jungkook.

"I just wanted to have a romantic moment. We were supposed to be bonding" he added while deeply sighing.

"Seriously stop it Jimin," said Taehyung.

~an eternity later~ (in Spongebob's narrator"s voice)

(one and a half hours later)

"It always feels good to talk to people after a long time," you said.

"It would have hardly been a week and a half " Jimin muttered.

"I think the stew is done..." You said while stirring the stew and transferring it into a serving bowl and taking it away to the table.

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