Chapter 18

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Yoona's POV

I walked away while wiping my tears. I was on my way back home, consoling my self, telling myself "he is not worth it, I deserve better, I won't cry anymore"

"Popular girls and their tantrums? How could he say that?" I muttered to myself.

I was lost in my thoughts with my head hanging low when I bumped into someone. I bowed and mumbled a 'sorry' and tried to walk away. I felt a hand encircle my fist, stopping me.


I looked up to see a concerned Taehyung looking straight into my house, I mumbled a 'hey' and looked at him with my red swollen eyes.

"What's wrong? Did you cry?" He asked with worry inscribed in his face.

"I guess I did. I and Jimin Oppa just had a fight, again" I said, emphasizing the word 'again'

"Oh... it may sound weird coming out of his best friend's mouth, but believe me he is not the one for you, you deserve much better, someone like me who will love you and treat you much better"

The latter part of his statement made you look at him in disbelief.

"I kinda like you, it's been quite sometime" he said with a nervous face.

Your face turned pale unable to process the words. You looked at him, his sincere eyes, and said,

"Oppa...I still love Jimin a lot"

"Even after he cheated on you?" He asked, partially scoffing.

"We have no solid proof!"

"You are blind Yoona! You were the one who told me he takes out his pressure on you"

"Yeah, he does, so do I. It's called venting out, but sometimes he gets angry that I never understand him, that's what made me feel awful. He handles my mood swings and tantrums. That's just how we look after each other, by being there by each other at all times. You seem to be trimming statements just to support your words"

"Fine, whatever. Wait over here, I'll come back. I have a call to make" he said and fled, he came back with a weird satisfaction clear on his face.

"I think I'll take a leave," I said trying to walk away.

"Oh, don't worry I'll drop you, in my car"

"You will? Just the two of us?" I asked as I raised a brow.

"Yes! Do you mind?"


That was followed by Taehyung kidnapping me, Taehyung compelling me to accept his heart, followed by him threatening to kill Jimin in front of my eyes. It all happened so fast...

I wasn't sure if this was a nightmare or a mere daydream or just a walk through the memory lane that was full of hollow pits. Some information that was old and abandoned from my memories somehow found their way back.


Author's POV

Hoseok, Jin and Yoongi looked at the sleeping Jimin in disgust as you chewed onto your food, you had been awake for quite some hours now. While Jimin who was once sedated to control his rage was still fast asleep in a hospital bed just beside Yoona in her VVIP ICU ward.

"You had your head cut open and sewed again but you are awake but this asshole is still sleeping," Hoseok said with a scoff.

"It was the just lower back of her head, right?" Yoongi asked you

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