Chapter 17

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Jimin was sitting outside the hospital room, broken and scared on the cold hospital hallway. The sickening smell that lingered in the air made him weak. There he was feeling as if history was repeating.

The doctor's words repeated in his head

*half an hour ago*

Look at this part of Yoona's hindbrain Jimin *points at the MRI scan*, you remember in your teen years when Yoona had the building accident, this part had one the many injuries she had, back then the damage wasn't that bad, it was tiny, so we didn't see the need to operate it, cause she had a bigger injury in this part *circles another part with his finger on the MRI scan*

The thing is that now because she fell again, damaging the same formerly tiny injury. The injury has deepened and the situation has escalated.

I know you must be thinking she just hit her head on the side of a table, but son, the small injury was still an injury, that wasn't treated.

I think we would have to operate on her as soon as possible. But before that I want you to sign this paper.

Jimin looked at the paper and back at the doctor, he read and examined the sheets, his expression stiffened, they were the consent papers, the sentences formed and the words used were sophisticated but the content didn't really make the people who signed it happy.

The papers concluded, if Yoona dies during the operation, the hospital and the staff won't be accountable or answerable to anyone, they would not be responsible for the death.

"It's just a formality Jimin, We will try our best, you don't worry"

"That isn't really a fully affirmative statement, doctor"

"Sign the papers son, leave the rest upon us"


Jimin saw her go inside the dreadful operation room, it made him feel more miserable. Woobin was by his side, who called both Yoona's and Jimin's parents.

Jimin just hugged his knees, thinking the last 24 hours before she went into that operation theatre, she believed he never loved her and cheated her. He made her cry and he broke her heart.

There Jimin was with his same old habit of taking the blame all on himself. As time passed unusually slow, Jimin was reminded of one of the best times of his life, the time he spent with Yoona.

The day he first met her

Jimin was stressed, well stressed was just an understatement. The pressure from studies, the constant pressure to be a good student, a good son, a good human and a perfect heir for The Park Groups.

But now he was fed up and tired, there he stood in the school's rooftop, with a rusted paper cutter in his hand, he was going to kill himself.

"You don't want to do this," said a voice from the side. He just looked at the female figure in embarrassment, he slowly hid the cutter.

She chuckled, "It's ok, we all have times like these," she said as she walked towards him, the cool summer breeze hitting her face, flowing through the lengths of her locks.

He was mesmerized and captivated by her existence in general, well since a week now.
But her words hit him, it was the first time someone said that to him, usually when he would tell someone that he is having a hard time.

They told him that he was THE Park Jimin who is strong and tough, who isn't built to feel pain, he is a tough man who is perfect.
No one ever thought he was just a teenager who had problems just like anyone else. He was fed up of people judging him because of his background. Because of his expensive lifestyle, people would assume he doesn't know what hardships or pain are, but only he and those expensive marbled walls of his prison called home knew what he was going through.

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