Chapter 19

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Later that day in the evening, Yoongi and Hoseok were there to get you discharged, they signed all the papers and dealt with all the formalities. You were waiting for them on the couch of your room, talking to the doctor.

You really wished for Jimin to be there, you felt like you were being a whiny baby but his absence just made to feel so empty. With all the memories flooding your brain, you had a lot to talk about. You felt like a middle schooler who was back from school, ready to tell her mom each and everything about the day.

Amnesia or memory loss is often categorised as something dramatic. But you and all the people who actually go through it can only wish it was as easy and simple as it was portrayed. It was tough and unbearable at times, the throbbing pain and the side effects of prescribed medicines. Amnesia doesn't just erase chunks of memories from the past, it also crushes the power to imagine a solid future.

It all made sense to you, at every stage through the shifting from one country to another and this marriage you just went with the flow because you were mentally incapable of making a judgment about the consequences of your decision.

Amnesia came as an ailment, but now that you think about it, it also helped you fall for Jimin all over again, understand and know him better. You almost tear up at the fact that your high school sweetheart Jimin has grown up to be this perfect man who stands tall and strong.

"You are all grown up already," Yoongi said as he snapped you back into your senses. He affectionately patted your head as he looked at you will an emotional expression written over his face resembling the one of a mother who is marrying off her daughter.

"Why do I feel you need a brain surgery too?" you ridiculed

"My small little tiny sister is already-" he was interrupted by Hoseok who was more than just surprised to see the older male in the verge of tears.

"Calm down hyung, don't worry Yoona he is just getting all emotional about how well you handled all of this, you know the memory loss, the surgery and all the other stuff"

You just nodded and gave your brother a big fat hug. You smiled to yourself, it almost felt unreal, the amount of love and affection you were getting from all these people around you. The thought alone made you wonder about the amount of anonymous hate you got through high school for being the way you were, often called names and accused of doing things you never even heard of.

You were just another miss perfect who was born with a silver spoon but you wanted to keep it that way, you didn't want people to know about your constant fear of not fitting in.

You were doing pretty good by yourself at being yourself but when Jimin helped you throw away the useless thoughts inside you and vent out about your personal problems, you felt being with someone else was better.

You enjoyed the rest of the car ride home in silence, just the two men talking about fishing and a faint radio playing latest hits. Your mind was preoccupied with bittersweet memories from the past, all that you and Jimin went through was too much and the fact that you were still together was overwhelming.

"We are here!" Hoseok exclaimed, you opened the door and stepped out expecting the elder males to do the same which they never did.

"You guys aren't coming?" You asked.

"Not today, you'll be fine without us" Hoseok replied

"He is right, so...we'll take a leave, get well soon," Yoongi said and before you knew it they drove away.

You grumpily moved towards the house, "how could they just leave a patient alone like this" you angrily mumbled to yourself as you punched in the passcode, the security system went off as the machine beeped and the door opened.

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