Chapter 22 [final]

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The day is here, in about an hour or so you will be Mrs Park Yoona, a married woman.

You were nervous, not because of getting married to Jimin, it was probably the best decision you've ever made. What actually made you anxious was the life after marriage, away from your parents' shade.

You will have your own household where you will be the one making decisions and judgments. No one to tell you what's right or wrong, no one to guide you, it would be just you against the whole world. The thought of having Jimin by your side made you feel better but the anxious feeling didn't really die down.

There you sat in front of a big mirror, in your wedding attire with bridal jewellery and makeup concealing the uneasiness you felt.

"You look gorgeous bae!" Taehee exclaimed as she entered the room with Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook.

"You look pretty," Yoongi said in the bluntest way possible.

"I think you should work on your tone and voice modulation" you commented.

"And do what? Become a radio jockey?" He said in his usual tired and hoarse voice.

"You've grown so much!" Hoseok said while being all enthusiastic and eager.

"I agree," Jungkook said in a very serious tone.

"Seriously? You are younger than me" you replied sarcastically causing Jungkook to question his life decisions.

"I think the emotional guys in here will end up shedding some tears," Yoongi said as he patted Hoseok's and Jungkook's shoulders. Hoseok gave him a judgemental look.

"You know, Yoongi hyung was spying on you and Jimin when you first moved in with Jimin in exchange for a massaging chair" Hoseok was just being a snitch now.

"I can explain-" Yoongi said.

"So, that's why you visited us so often?! For a massaging chair?" You asked with big eyes.

"I think we should go get seated and engage the guests," Yoongi said to escape the situation and left the room.

"You can't engage the guests hyung, you are already married!" Jungkook said and started laughing all alone, causing an awkward silence spread through the room. "Did you get it? As in you are married so- wait why am I cracking jokes like Jin hyung? Am I ageing? Are these the signs of ageing?" Jungkook continued to question.

On the other hand, Jimin was restless. He kept looking at the clock every two seconds. He wasn't nervous not even a bit, he was excited and overjoyed, the day was finally here.

"The time is passing too slow?" Namjoon asked.

"Way too slow" he exaggerated.

"Why don't you go see her once if you are that excited to see her in her dress?" Jin asked.

"She wanted it to be a surprise, I don't want to spoil it for her," he said in a soft caring tone.

"Wow!" Jin said in disbelief.

"What?" Jimin questioned, confused by the elder male's reaction.

"No it's just that, you are so cautious, thoughtful and affectionate when it comes to Yoona, I wish you were this considerate about me" Jin explained.

"I've always been considerate"

"Yeah towards Yoona," Namjoon said taking Jin's side.

"You too hyung? I'm always obedient and polite towards you guys" Jimin defended.

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