Chapter 15

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Author's POV

"What do you mean his girlfriend?" You questioned the lady, she was suddenly ignoring you, she was busy on her phone.

"Mr. Park bought her with him, she stopped by my cabin and told me about her relationship with him and told me to get her some snacks," she said without even looking at you.

"You can't just believe what some random lady told you, I'm going in," you said as you started walking towards Jimin's Office.

You turned back to see the lady who sat at Secretary Lee's seat, still fiddling with her phone, you were about to enter the room when you heard a familiar voice that was coming from the room say,

"I'm sad, you don't come to meet me in the morning these days"

Your heart stopped, it was Minji's voice, the same person with whom Jimin cheated on you.

"So, that's why you woke up at 6?" You mumbled to yourself. You barged into the room to see Minji and Jimin kissing. Jimin immediately pushed Minji away.

You felt so stupid and pathetic, you hated yourself at the moment for trusting him. The lunch box in your hand hit the cold ground and Jimin approached you, rambling about how it was not what it looked like.

"Yoona? This is not how it looks like! Believe me" he lets out, his tone filled with panic.

"She suddenly kissed me, I didn't know how to react and before I could push her, you came, please believe me Yoona" he looked at you with desperate eyes. You didn't reply, with eyes welled up, you turned, attempting to leave. You've heard enough from enough people.

He hugged you from behind, trying to hold you back. "Yoona, please," he said, with a trembling voice. You gently pushed him away from you and turned back to face him, you looked into his desperate eyes,

"I always trusted you, I can't help but still do, but if I stand here and pretend as if whatever she said or I saw don't mean anything, then I would not be doing justice to myself and our relationship," you said as you subtly created a distance between you and him

"I'll be taking my leave, we can discuss it when you come back home, I need some time to think and I don't want to deal things here. So, don't follow me or come home early, the staff doesn't need to know about your personal issues," you said, as you bitterly turned and left the room.

"See Oppa-" Minji initiated.

"We were supposed to resolve stuff, you need to stop"


"Go away, Minji. I don't want to lay my eyes on you ever again" he said as he collapsed onto his chair, burying his face inside his palms.

"I love you, Jimin," she said sincerely

"Don't make me call the security" he said in a rude and assertive tone.


You walked past the Secretary's table to see Secretary Lee, she bowed to you politely with a smile.

"I didn't really see you there Miss Min, how are you doing?"

"Oh...Secretary Lee, who was the lady who was here before you" you said.

"I'm not really sure what you are talking about, it may be some other staff, why? Did she do something?"

"Never Mind, have a nice day," you said with a smile as you took a leave.

You sat in the backseat of the car and asked the driver to take you back. That's when you saw the same lady who was sitting in secretary lee's cabin. She was walking out of the building, she had an ID encircling her neck. "But why was she leaving the building? In the middle of work hours" You questioned yourself. You let out a bitter chuckle, you definitely had bigger things to worry about.

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