chapter 8

419 13 2

Jacks pov

I walked in my home and closed the door behind me.

"mom im home!" i yelled walking in.

I saw her at the kitchen table coverd with papers.

"what are those?" i asked.

"oh there just bills, but i sent a letter saying that we dont need them anymore now that we are moving-"

"next week." i interrupted

"how did yo-"

"mavis came by school and told me."

"oh okay"

"is emma home?"

"yes she is doing her homework."

I nodded and walked upstairs to emmas room.

"hey emma"

"hi jack."

i walked up and kissed the top of her head.

"what homework are you doing?"


"need help?" i ask.

"no" she said writing an answer down.

"hey jack can you help me with flying later?"

i sighed,"emma you know i cant fly"

"well i just thought that if you help me you can catch along"

"but i cant catch you if you fall."

"then we'll start small"
********5 minutes later********

"okay so i guess you just flap your hands up and down and fall back." i yell. Emma is standing on the railing of the side of our stairs. Im on the botom waiting to catch her if something goes wrong.

"okay lets see." she flapps her hand uncontrolably and falls back.

In an instant i catch her.

"um i think i over did it."

i put her down.

"listen emma i want to help but i have to help myself first. mabey dad can help when he's home."

I walk outside and head towards the celler.

When i touched the knob the door opened and my dad walked out.

"oh hey son"

"dad, when did you get here?"

"about seven minutes ago. Try the blood its fresh."

i went grabbed the cup and poured some in.

i swirled it a bit and gulped it down.

"mmm wow this is good." i said.

"whipe your mouth son." i grabbed a napkin and whiped my mouth.

"was this from a rabbit or a deer?" i ask.

"um deer." he heasitaded.

"okay well im going inside-"

"wait, i got something for you."

i raised my eyebrow and he pulled out a black and gold watch.

"woah! This is cool." he put the watch around my wrist.
"Hey dad when did you get your fangs?" I ask
"I was about your age son"
"When did you learn how to fly?"
"When I was ten"
"Dad I'm 300 years old-"
"17" he interrupted
"Wh-why can't i fly?"
"To be honest I don't know son"
I looked down and sighed
"Well, at least you have ice powers. that is very rare in vampires"
I looked at him confusingly
"who was the last vampire with ice powers."
"Yo-your the first"
I rolled me eyes and walked inside.
"Jack can you please go to the market, we need rice"
"Ugh,fine" I grunted. I wasn't in the mood to honestly do anything.
She handed me money and I walked out. The market is about five minutes away outside of the woods.
"Well! If it isn't Jack, how ya been" I turn around and saw Hans
"Watch your mouth boy"
"You're not my dad isles"
"True but you still do as I say because without me your parents wouldn't be alive and neither would you."
"Look Hans, I appreciate when you changed my parents just for them to stay alive but can you please leave me alone."
"No" his brothers walked out of nowhere
"Frost don't you get it,with you we can be the greatest vampires that ever lived"
"Why me?"
"Ha he's so stupid." One brother said.
"Shut up! Jack you have ice powers and we can fly and plus we have pitch."
My eyes widen
"How did he-"
"I can be very persuasive frost and now I'm asking you, join us"
I put every single thought into this. What can go bad and wrong
"No" I said walking away
"What if I tell you away to fly!" He called out.
"You-you can"
"Yes jack, we can start an initiation to officially make you one of us tomorrow night;What do you say?" He held out his hand.
"Fine" I shook his hand
"GREAT! ill remind pitch to be here tomorrow."
They the turned to bats and flew away

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