chapter 34

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"Thought the top pick looked cute"

Jacks POV

Elsa and I arrived at her apartments window.

"Okay I'm going to the kitchen. I have to cook her food. Then we'll talk." She said and went to the kitchen.

I sat down and breathed in.

How am I going to bite her? I can't do it too hard she's delicate, I don't even know how much to suck out. I should Practice..

I looked outside and saw a squirrel on a tree.

"Hmm" I flew quickly to grab it and I succeeded. Of coarse it squirmed but I twisted its neck causing a crack sound.

"Sorry bud." I then flew to the ground.

Okay let's see.

I gently bit into its neck. If it was alive I bet I wouldve been slow and painful. I bit into it like an apple and the blood squirted out. Ew.

Okay how the fu-

"Jack come here!" Elsa yelled out the window. I checked if the close was clear and I flew to her window.


"Okay so how are we going to tell her?" She asked.

"We can explain why you want to be one and how she should be one too."

"Okay go get kristoff." She said.

"What why?" I asked.

"Cuz he can be another reason why Anna will say yes. Kristoff is immortal and I find them cute so go GET HIM!"

I laughed and wen- holy shit where is he?




















"HELLO Elsa." Anna sang walking in.

"HELLO Anna." I sang back as well.

"Is my food ready?" She asked.

"Yes its in the kitchen."

"Awesome" she walked pass me .

"H-he Anna after youre done eating may we talk?"

"Sure thing Elsa. Oh and I finally handed in my report on vampires. I feel SOOO releaved." She chewed.

"Hehe speaking of vampires" I thought

"I wish jack was here in USA are you going to miss him?" She asked

"I actually very much will Anna."

"So Anna what did you write in your report?"

"I wrote how vampires are just like humans and are sometimes nothing like the steryotypes. Although we a different it would be nice to except them and not be afriad." She then gulped her juice.

"Hmm and what do you think about the whole living for eternity thing. Would you like that?" I ask

"Hahaha nope."

A oh.

"R-really?" I shrug.

"Well I mean that would be awesome, but it would also be annoying."

"E-explain?" I ask.

"Well I like never age. So I can't go to a bar or something because of my face and I wouldn't have an ID."

"Anna, that's so stupid what if we lived in Transylvania?"

"that's different but why is this a big deal for you?"

"Because i- I was just wondering if you ever had to debate on this." I twitched.

"Oh my- Elsa you want to be a vampire don't you?"

"Whaaaatt Anna that's ri-"

"Don't you."

There was an awkward silence.

"Ugh okay yes I do. And i-i wanted you to be one too so we can live forever."

"Elsa you are crazy do you know the fricken sacrifices we'll make."

I open my mouth but she interrupts, "okay its easy for you because jacks your true love but what about me! I-i really want a boy friend but what if I don't like any vampires Elsa? I-i mean wait- you know what" she stands from her seat," you can't be a vampire because they killed dad, and becoming one of them is just low." She ran to her room.

I stood there dumbstruck, "What the hell just happend."

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