Chapter 21

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Jacks POV
I don't know why but I felt something extremely hurtful; think I'm feeling cold.
"Hey are you okay?" Kristoff asked.
"It hurts a little." I glance at elsa and she looks down.
"Anyway, how do you know where this place is?" he asked
"Well I remember it being deep in the forest and when my family visited her a year ago for a favor."
"Hey kristoff you said that you couldn't control your wolf. How could you have control it earlier?" Elsa asked changing the subject.
"I guess, I was just extremely mad they were going to hurt my friend." He sad to her and I smiled.
"Thanks kristoff I don't have friends."
"Hey!" I shoot.
She smiles and playfully hits my arm.
"How long until-"
"Guys go that way." Elsa pointed and we went left.
"Woah do you see that?" She says.
"See what?" I ask.
Elsa's POV
When I turned left I saw a blue little flame motioning me into its direction.
I don't know why but I walk towards.
"Where are you going?" Kristoff followed.
I saw the last one and behind it was a little cave (similar to kristoffs)
"There it is!" Jack shivered.
I sprinted towards it and knocked on the door.
"Ets oepen" an elderly voice said. I walked in and saw a lot of wood carvings around.
"So yu enteresty in this!" She held up a wooden little bear.
"Um , no thank you, but I need your help."
"Yu neeed something kut?"
"No it's-" kristoff walks in carrying jack in his arms.
"OVERLAND! How luvly it is too seee yu deerey." She limps her way to him, "although that hair of yours is-OH MY!" His hair changed.
"Well, it's empossuble to struck yuself lad, whu did this?" She asked.
"Um me." I confessed.
"Oh okay, well I have a book on this." She walbles to a shelf and picks out a "curse" book, "let's see. Ah! Ice." She closed it, "just like it is almost fo eveything. Act of true love." She waldles back to the bookshelf.
"But, I don't know who I love?"
"Well it can be yu ma, pa, o sistor. Yu need to figure it out on yu on sweetie." She holds his cheeks.
"Thank you miss, but for what we are really hear for; I need to find my sister."
"Have yu gave her a call?" I rolled my eyes.
"No, i left my phone at home and I bet the vampires took her phone away."
"Oo what a shame, so if you need help I need some sort of DNA from her" she held out her boney hand.
"Oh I don't-"
"Sowey lad. No DNA, no finding anna"
"Well elsa is her sister, isn't there a way you can find every living relative of her." Kristoff asked.
"If I could I would,but it can't be done." We all sighed.
I then started to tear up as this whole 'trip' was just a waist of time. "so she's gone." I cried.
"WAIT I GOT IT!" jack fell out of kristoffs arms.
"Jack!" I helped him up and another strand turned white and he grunted.
"Agh. They might be in transilvania. I mean they must know I'm moving there so they are probably there waiting for me. They have to have anna there at pitches house."
"Jack you're a genius!" I hugged him. Honestly I didn't know what I was doing I just did it because it might actually be true.
I pulled away and looked at the witch "can you take us to transilvania?" I pleaded.
"Oh yu see I would, but.." She held out her hand agian,"magic comes with a price."
"Umm.." I dug into the back pack taking out five dollars, "whatever I can buy with this I'll take it."
"Wuld yu like the teapot, the-"
"Teapot!" The three of us yelled, well jack grunted.
"Alrigthy" she put the paper in her pocket and left the shop.
"Come" we followed her out,
"What are you-?" Kristoff asked but cut off when she snapped her fingers and walked back in.
"Woah" kristoff awed as the entire store transformed into a dark witch lair.
"Alright let's see," she went to a closet constantly throwing objects out. What a mess.
"Here yu are" she pulled out a bag of sand.
"Durt?" Jack coughed.
"Flu powder" she corrected.
"How does it work?" Kristoff asked.
"You seee the chimney." She pointed to the other side of the room.
"You take a handful of this, say where yu going, throw it, and walla! Yu there."
We all widen our eyes in shock of how this magic is possible.
"So who's first?"
"I'll go." Jack said
"Wait jack, what if it doesn't work?"
"Yu just have to talk very clearly." She says aloud while pouring the sand in a pot.
"I'll be fine." He limps over to the chimney.
She motions the pot to him and he grabs a fistful.
I looked at him in a worried way, but he makes me relax with his smile.
"Transilvania" he threw the sand and he was replace with lime green flames.
"He's gone!" I shouted.
"Told yu, who's next?"

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