sick > g.d

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your boyfriend grayson is sick so you have to take care of him. you took hin to the doctor and the doctor gave him some medicine that gray says is "so disgusting that it probably shouldn't enter anyone's body". he refuses to take it, no matter how hard you try to convince him to.
y/n: gray you have to take it. you're never gonna get better.
gray: i'm not. will not. it tastes like butt.
you chuckle at his comment, but then get back to your serious self.
y/n: grayson bailey dolan take this medicine right now.
you tried to be strict with him because you thought it would get his attention but-
gray: y/n y/m/n y/l/n i am not taking that nasty medicine. and there's nothing you can do to make me.
you thought for a second then looked back at him.
y/n: i'll play with your hair until you fall asleep if you take this.
he shakes his head to say "no". you roll your eyes.
y/n: grayson you're acting like a 3 year old. take the medicine right now!
he let out a small whine and continued to refuse the medicine.
i was getting to be very annoyed with him. i left his room and came back with a water bottle.
y/n: here. take the medicine and then wash it down with the water.
gray: i'll still taste it.
i huffed at his immature actions and then i had a really good idea.
y/n: if you don't take the medicine, you won't get better, which means you can't kiss me.
his eyes widened as he snatched the medicine cup and water bottle from my hands and hastily drank it.
he refused to kiss me when he was sick so that i would not get sick.
y/n: see, was it all that bad?
he nodded and i playfully rolled my eyes. i took the medicine cup and water bottle from him and placed the water on his bedside table. i went to the kitchen to rinse out the cup. i headed back to his room and he was already getting sleepy.
he gave me a small, weak smile as he opened his arms, signaling for me to join him.
he was always such a softie when he was sick. it was adorable.
i got under the covers with him and he held me so tightly.
y/n: get some sleep okay? it'll help you get better faster.
he nodded sleepily as i played with his hair, another thing he loved.
gray: i love you. thank you for taking care of me.
y/n: of course gray. i love you too.


word count: 454
i saw something like this on instagram and i thought it was adorable so here u go! ♡♡

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