hold me ; g

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grayson's pov
i walked to the kitchen after deciding to fix dinner for y/n when she got home from work. she worked at a clothing store as a summer job, just to get some money. of course i had offered to help her by giving her money if she ever needed it, but y/n, being the stubborn person she is, turned it down.

i heard the door unlock, then open and close. i glanced over the kitchen island as y/n turned the corner.

"hey baby. how was work?" she walked right past me, mumbling a quiet "fine" just loud enough for me to hear. i grew confused at her mood, quickly following after her.

our bedroom door was cracked, muffled cries sounding on the other side.

without hesitating i opened the door, rushing over to her.

"y/n? what's wrong honey?"

she sniffled, pulling her legs tight against her chest. she didn't respond, only more soft sobs escaping her naturally pouted lips.

"just leave me alone. i don't wanna talk about it."

even though she seemed serious about her request, i wouldn't give up that easily. y/n and i have been dating long enough for me to know exactly what she wants or needs in situations like this. one of her needs being me.

y/n's pov
i felt the bed dip next to me. i glanced up quickly, seeing grayson play with his fingers as he sat close to me, saying nothing.

"grayson, i asked you to leave."

his worrisome eyes caught mine and he looked extremely confused.

"but i want to be here for you baby. can't you see that?"

i huffed moving over on the bed, away from him. more tears fell from my eyes and more sobs left my mouth, even though i was trying my hardest to keep them in.

grayson's pov
i heard another sob, my head lifting toward her quivering body. i got up quietly and walked over to her, squatting down and placing my hands on her thighs.

"baby, please tell me what i can do to help you. i'm here for you." she sighed deeply, not looking up at all.

"just hold me."

not a second was wasted. i got up at sat behind her on the bed, pulling her back to my chest, holding her tightly.

"it's okay baby. i'm here. i've got you." her dainty hands rested on top of mine, which wrapped around her and attached to her waist. her fingers played with mine, something she did whenever she was having a panic attack. this one, of course, is very mild, but still enough to mess with her.

i quickly noticed that her breathing was slowing down, becoming more normal. i smiled softly, happy that i have the ability to calm her down so easily.

"are you ready to talk now?" she slowly shook her head no. i leaned back on the bed, keeping y/n's body close to mine.

"okay, we don't have to until you're ready." i intertwined our hands. my thumb slowly caressed the back of her hand.

"i love you grayson. i'm sorry for this. i just-"

"hey hey hey, baby you don't have anything to be sorry for. everyone has bad days, today was just one for you, okay? i love you sweetheart." i placed a soft kiss on her forehead and then she cuddled closer to me if that was even possible.

the rest of the night, she slept in my arms, clinging to me as if i would fade away if she didn't.

published july 15 2020
i am SO sorry i haven't updated much recently, but i am still here!!!

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