attention ; e

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"bro! you just got me killed, man! what the heck?"

ethan is currently playing video games. loudly. there is nothing quiet about him when he has the controller in his large hands.

i was laid in his bed, scrolling through tiktok as he played with grayson, who was literally just across the hall.

i finally got bored of scrolling since i had been doing it for the past two-ish hours. i tossed my phone down on the bed and sat up on my elbow.

"eth." he moved his headset back, his left ear now uncovered. "hmm?"

"i'm bored." i groaned, flopping back on his bed. "just one more round." i sat up again, unamused. "you said that like five rounds ago."

he turned his chair around, his bottom lip pouted. "i promise this time baby. just one more round." he pulled his headset back on while turning back around. "alright gray, i'm back."

i groaned again, looking up at the ceiling until an idea popped into my head.

i got up, walking to his closet, grabbing a hoodie. i took off my shirt and put his hoodie on, leaving me in nothing but his oversized sweatshirt that we down to my mid-thigh and my underwear.

i quietly walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. i moved his headset like he did before so he could hear me.

"ethan, come lay with me. gimme your attention." he chuckled softly, turning his chair around, ready to argue with me. but when he saw what i was wearing, his entire mood seemed to change.

"you know what? fine." he told grayson he had to go, turned off his playstation, and picked me up bridal style to carry me to the bed.

he laid down with me, my head on his chest. one of his hands slipped down and softly rubbed my uncovered thigh underneath his hoodie.

"how am i supposed to say no when you look like this?" i smiled, knowing i had gotten my way.

"you did this on purpose, didn't you?" i nodded, pulling him in for a sweet, passionate kiss.

"i guess i know what i need to do in order to get your attention now."

published july 16 2020

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