missed you. > e.d

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today my boyfriend ethan comes home from hawaii! i'm going to the airport to surprise him when he lands. i'm so excited to see him since he's been gone for an entire week!

i took a shower and did my make up naturally. i put my hair in a simple braid. i looked at my phone. 1:30. i decided to text ethan.

you: when are you landing?
ethan: around 2 i can't wait to see you babe so excited!!
you: me too ethan i love you
ethan: i love you too baby see you soon

i put on a white tshirt, ripped jeans, and white air forces. i grabbed my keys and my phone and left for the airport.

it took me 15 minutes to get to the airport, and once i got there i walked to the gate that ethan said he was going to be coming out of.

10 minutes later, you saw the twins got off the escalator and you stood there smiling as ethan looked around for you. you and him made eye contact and he began to run up to you.

"y/n!" he wrapped you in a tight hug. "i missed you so much baby!" he kissed you softly. "i missed you too eth." you hugged him again before acknowledging grayson.

"hey gray! i've missed you." you hugged him and he hugged back.

"how've you been without your best friends in town?" grayson teased. "pretty bored actually." you all laughed.

you intertwined your fingers with ethan's as you all walked out of the airport together. you got in your car and drove to their place.

you all hung out just talking about their trip mostly. it was getting late so you decided it was time for you to leave so you didn't get home super late.

"i think i should go since it's getting pretty late." you got up off the couch and stretched. "no, stay. we haven't seen each other in an entire week. i've missed you. please stay." he looked at you with puppy dog eyes. "okay fine." he immediately cheered up and you both walked upstairs to his room.

he gave you a sweatshirt of his that he wore on the plane ride home since it smelled strongly of him. you slipped it on then went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. you finished just as ethan walked in behind you, wrapping his arms around you. you turned around to face him.

"i missed you so much you have no idea," ethan whispered in your ear. he left small kisses on your cheek.

"i missed you even more babe. c'mon. let's go to bed, k?" you grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. you both got in and he pulled you into him holding you against his chest.

"good night babygirl. i love you." you kissed his jawline softly. "i love you too."


word count: 486
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