quarantined > g.d

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for flavia <3

"hey princess." his raspy morning voice spoke quietly, sending chills down my spine. "how'd you sleep?" i shrugged, keeping my back facing him.

"baby?" he leaned up and gripped my waist gently, turning me on my back. i quickly wiped the tears that were resting on my cheeks, hoping he hadn't noticed them. "princess, what's wrong?" i took a deep, shaky breath before explaining how much i hate quarantine, since it's taken away so much.

"it's ruined 2020." i mumbled. he shifted his body so that he was hovering over me. "i'm sorry angel." he leaned down, placing his soft lips on top of mine, holding them there for a minute.

"how 'bout we have a chill day. we can stay in, watch netflix, cuddle, maybe get pizza later, sound okay?" i nodded."hey," he mumbled, catching my attention as a single tear rolled down my cheek. "i'm right here with you okay? we'll get through this together." i nodded, a small smile on my face.

we did face masks together while talking about what we wanted to do afterwards.

i sleepily walked back into the bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. he chuckled as he laid down next to me. "feeling any better?" i turned my head to look into his hazel eyes. "mhm." he smiled. "good." he pulled me in and kissed my forehead.

"can we watch netflix and cuddle now?" he nodded, and both of us moved so we could be facing the TV.

he turned on the netflix show we were binging together. i cuddled into his side, resting my head on his chest. our legs tangled together and his hand rested on my thigh.

"i love you baby." i looked up at him, leaning forward to kiss his soft lips.

"i love you too gray. thank you for today."

published june 5 2020
hi flavia!! i hope you love this<3

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