your softie > g.d

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i looked down at the precious boy laying in my lap and smiled. his fluffy hair felt so soft as i played with it. he slowly moved his eyes from the TV to my face.

"what?" he chuckled. "oh nothing." he cocked an eyebrow and gave me a look, a look that would make all the girls collapse right then and there. "you're just..cute." he smiled. "you too." my cheeks turned a light pink as we stared into each other's eyes. "i love you." i whispered. he slowly sat up and turned his entire body to face me. "i love you more." i almost started an arguement about who loved who more, but we all know how those end. "okay, your turn." he patted his lap and i laid down, putting my head there. he began to play with my hair, almost making me fall asleep.

"you tired baby?" i hummed, my eyes still closed. "wanna go to bed?" i nodded and sat up, getting off the couch as grayson turned off the TV. we walked upstairs and into his room. i collapsed on the bed out of exhaustion, which made grayson chuckle. "here, put this on. its warm." he tossed a sweatshirt of his over and i quickly took off my t-shirt, replacing it with his sweatshirt.

grayson's pov
i watched y/n put on my sweatshirt, which meant she had to take off her t-shirt, which she did right in the open. i didn't care though. we haven't done anything past a steamy make-out, but i'm glad she's already comfortable with me.

"your body is beautiful princess." i walked over to her as she adjusted the hoodie strings. she blushed as i lifted her up by her thighs. "you're beautiful y/n. don't let anyone say any different." she nodded.

we both climbed in bed and i turned on my LED lights to the color purple. it's so calming. i pulled her into my body by her waist, making her giggle.

"you're always such a softie at nighttime." she mumbled. she began tracing shapes on my arm that was wrapped around her petite body. "is that a good thing or-" "oh yeah! it's good. i like it." she blushed as she whispered the last part.

"okay. well then i'll try to be more of a softie all the time. yeah?" she nodded and slowly closed her eyes, faint snores coming from her sleepy state.

i kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear,"always remember i'm your softie."

published may 9 2020

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