she > g.d

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it was her.

it was always her.

she was perfect, head-to-toe. nothing about her was imperfect.

she has this gorgeous brown hair.
it looked so soft and i want nothing more than to run my fingers through it.

she has these eyes that could kill with a single look. the eyes that i could look into for the rest of my life.

next, her lips. oh, her lips; so pink and puffy. they look so soft, and i can only imagine what the feeling of my lips against her's would be like.

not only was she physically gorgeous, her personality was beautiful as well.

she was the quiet type when she was with people she didn't feel comfortable with. but, with her friends, she was a whole other person.

in a good way, of course.

she would laugh that laugh that was just music to my ears. and she would talk; just her voice sending butterflies to my stomach. her beautiful eyes shining bright as ever as she conversed about whatever with 'her people'.

whatever it was about her, it just pulled me in. it couldn't just be one thing, because i am so obsessed with everything about her.

my brother has tried to convince me to talk to her countless times, but it's nearly impossible when she is just so..


grayson's pov
"bro, just go talk to her. she seems really chill." we stood across the main hallway of our high school, watching as she got books out of her locker and put things inside it.

"okay, you know what? i'm gonna do it." i mustered up as much confidence as i could before walking over to her.

i awkwardly stood near her, but just far away enough to where she couldn't sense my presence.

she closed her locker, turning around. she jumped slightly, seeing my body towering over her petite self.

"oh, i-i'm sorry. i didn't mean to scare you. i-i just, um-" i glanced over at ethan, who gave me a thumbs up. i took a deep breath before speaking again.

"i'm sorry. i just- i think you are very, um, pretty, and that's making it kind of hard t-to talk to you." i blushed, my stuttering very clear. i scratched the back of my neck, waiting for a response from the now blushing girl.

"t-that's so sweet, um....thanks." we stood in an awkward silence for a minute until she spoke up again.

"well, i gotta get to class so i'm not late." she began to walk away, making me sigh as i turned to ethan.

"well, go get her number or something!" he whisper-yelled to me.

i chased after her, quickly catching up.

i stepped in front of her, stopping her movement. she looked up at me, biting her plump lip.

"i-i'm sorry if i'm wasting your time, but i-i just wanna know if i can get your number. maybe?" she blushed again, looking down at her hands.

"sure." she smiled, still blushing as i hurriedly grabbed my phone, letting her put her number in. she handed me her phone so i could put my number in her's, making it easier for the both of us.

y/n's pov
i watched his face as he put his number in my phone, smiling slightly.

"okay, here you go." he handed it back to me, our hands brushing, sending chills down my body.

i looked up at him, smiling as i stood on my tiptoes, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

oh my god y/n. you are so dumb, why would you do that? i thought.

"i-i'm sorry. i don't know what came over me-" he stopped my rambling.

"it's okay, i liked it." i bit the inside of my cheek, trying to hide my smile.

"i'll see you around?" i nodded.

"i'll text you later." he kissed my cheek before walking away.

i never stopped smiling the rest of the day. the grayson dolan gave me his number.

when i got home, i ran straight to my room and laid down on my bed, reflecting on the day that just occured when my phone vibrated beside me.

text from 'grayson<3'

time skip // grayson's pov
after a while of getting to know each other, i finally asked her out at school. we've now been dating for a couple months, and today she is coming over to my house to watch movies.

just as i slipped my tshirt on, the doorbell rang. i rushed downstairs and quickly opened the door.

"hi baby." she smiled, walking in and giving me a hug.

we still haven't kissed, but i'm not going to rush her. i have to let her make the first move.

she picked out a movie on netflix while i made popcorn.

i plopped down next to her on the couch and she immediately leaned into me, throwing her legs over mine. i smiled, watching her fingers play with the strings of her hoodie.

she talked to me throughout the movie, telling me about her favorite characters. i just watched her lips move as she talked, which was very mesmerizing.

she looked up at me to see my eyes looking down at her lips rather than her eyes. she quickly leaned in, attaching her soft lips to mine.

it shocked me, but i quickly kissed back, my hand cupping her cheek.

she slowly pulled away, her plump lips slightly swollen from the kiss. i smiled and she returned the favor.

"i love you grayson." she whispered, making me smile even bigger, if at all possible.

"i love you more y/n."

published june 29 2020
i really like this:) i hope u do too
QOTD: what's your favorite movie? i'm interested<3

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