hoodie > e.d

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ethan's pov

i walked downstairs when i heard soft music playing. i turned into the kitchen and saw y/n leaning against the counter on her phone, eating m&m's while humming along to the music.

her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she wore my oversized champion hoodie, which fit her like a dress.

i walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and placing my head on her shoulder.

"hey baby." i whispered, leaving kisses on her clothed shoulder.

"hi." she whispered back. i reached forward and grabbed some of the candies, shoving them in my mouth. she shut her phone off and turned to face me.

"what?" she smiled and brought her hand up to my head, running her fingers through my hair. "oh nothing. you're just...cute." i gave her a small smile.

"you're cuter. especially when you wear my clothes." i pulled her in and kissed her softly. without fully pulling away, i whispered,"especially my hoodie."

published april 24 2020
i'm sorry this is so short but i just wanted to update. i hope you are staying safe <3

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