frustrated > g.d

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i get out of my car, already tired and frustrated. i get my purse and keys and walk to the front door. shoving the house key into the lock, i turned it aggressively causing it to fall to the ground. i sighed and closed my eyes, trying my hardest to not breakdown.

i bent down, picked up the keys and tried again, succeeding this time. i walked inside and slammed the door shut.

"hey baby" i looked up and saw grayson sitting on the couch. i groaned and set my stuff down. i kicked my shoes off and walked over to him, laying down and putting my head in his lap. i groaned, feeling my eyes well up with warm tears.

grayson's entire face fell when he noticed i was about to cry. "baby." he whined. "what's wrong darling?" his hand stroked my hair, calming me down very very slowly.

"i-i just had th-the worst day ever-r." i sobbed. "m-my boss y-yelled at me for doing something w-wrong-g but i didn't really understand what to do. i-it was so h-hard!" i whisper-yelled. he continued stroking my hair, whispering sweet words. "baby it's okay. you'll be okay." i continued to sob into my hands, feeling the tears run down my cheeks.

i breathed in a shaky breath and pulled my hands away from my face. my eyes met his hazel ones and he smiled softly. "you okay baby?" i shrugged, sniffling and wiping the tears away. i sat up in his lap and he wrapped me in his arms.

"i love you, and i'm always going to. i'm always going to be here for you. i promise." i played with my fingers and continued sniffling. "come on. let's get you some comfy clothes." he stood up, holding me like a baby.

"i uh, started The Office today." he cleared his throat. his statement made me look up at him quickly. "are you serious?" he nodded, making me smile. "aw there's the smile." he said softly, making me blush. he turned his back to his bedroom door, walking into it, making it open. he set me in front of his closet, letting me choose what to wear. i grabbed a hoodie and my all black nike shorts.

once i was comfy, i walked to the bed and climbed in beside grayson. he had netflix on his projector, ready to play season one, episode three, which is the episode he left off on. i've already finished the show. (a/n lemme tell you the office is such an amazing show)

i cuddled into him as he started the episode.

grayson's pov

y/n scooted into my side and let her head rest on my chest. we watched a few episodes of The Office before she started drifting off.

"tired baby?" she nodded and cuddled further into me. i chuckled and turned off the projector which made the room pitch black and quiet.

"good night baby." i whispered as i pulled her close. "i love you."

published mar 30 2020
idk how to feel about this one tbh :/

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