high school mean girls > g.d

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you woke up to your alarm at 7am. time to get ready for school. you were so tired this morning, so you decided to dress comfortably. you grabbed one of grayson's sweatshirts from your closet, a pair of ripped jeans, and your white slip-on vans. (super basic i know) you grabbed a pop tart to eat on the way, and left.
once at school you got out of your car. just as you were about to start heading to the building, two large arms wrapped around your waist from behind, lifting you off the ground. you squealed, immediately knowing who it was.
y: gray, you scared me!
you punched him playfully in the chest.
g: sorry, i just missed you.
he kissed you softly.
y: it's been 3 days.
g: 3 days too long.
you intertwined your fingers with his and walked into school, heading to your first class.
after first block you had a study break. (during this you basically just got to relax. you either had to be in the library, break room, or leave campus. you weren't allowed to hang out in the halls. you and gray had study break together.)
you went to your locker to drop off your stuff. you soon felt someone poke your side, causing you to jolt back. you looked to your right to see grayson grinning brightly at you.
g: where are you going for break?
y: i want some coffee so i'm going to starbucks. wanna go?
he nodded frantically so you both left. you had to be back for your next class in an hour so you had to hurry.
once you got back to school, you and grayson went your separate ways to class.
your 2nd block class was science, and of course the two mean girls of the school were in there. they started talking about you. (g1 = girl #1 g2 = girl #2)
g1: so, y/n is dating grayson, right?
g2: uh huh. isn't he your ex?
g1: yep. pretty sure she's just dating him because he's popular and she wants attention. she's a hoe.
g2: yeah, definitely.
you felt your eyes burning with tears that were threatening to pour out any second.
y: excuse me? can i go to the bathroom please?
your teacher let you go so you sped out of the classroom. you got to your locker and texted grayson.

y: gray please come to my locker
gray 💘: i'm coming right now.

soon, grayson got to your locker.
g: y/n, what's wrong?
you leaned into him and started crying. he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.
g: what happened?
y: you know hannah and dani right?
he nodded.
y: well, they're in my class and i overheard them talking about me. they called me a hoe. i know it's dumb but it still hurt.
you wiped the tears off your face.
g: no. words hurt. they really do.
y: can we leave? i don't think i could stand going back in there.
g: of course.
you both got the stuff you needed to get for homework and then went to the front office.
g: hi. y/n is not feeling very good, she's really nauseous. so i'm gonna take her home.
the woman at the desk made us sign out, then we left.
you both got in his car and drove away. grayson said he would come back for your car later.
once at your apartment, you changed out of your jeans, putting on some comfy shorts then climbing into your bed with grayson.
you were both exhausted so you decided to take a nap.
y: thank you for coming for me. i love you.
g: always princess. i love you too.


word count: 624
idk how i feel about this one.
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