chapstick challenge > g.d

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"hey guys! welcome back to my channel! today i have a very special guest, my boyfriend grayson dolan!" he walked into view of the camera and sat beside me. "heyyy!" he waved at the camera, making me giggle. "today, as you can probably tell from the title, we are doing the chapstick challenge! we had ethan go out and get us some kinda strange chap sticks so we have no idea what flavors we have." after explaining the challenge we were ready to start.

"alright babe, put this on." i handed him the blindfold which he put on quickly. i grabbed a chapstick from the basket and showed the camera the label. fruit punch. i applied it to my lips and smacked them together. "okay, ready?" he nodded, so i leaned in and attached my lips to his for a quick kiss. he licked his lips, trying to taste the flavor. "can i have another taste?" i giggled and kissed him again. he licked his lips and thought about it for a second. "fruit punch?" he pulled off his blindfold to see me pouting as i nodded. "yeah!" he threw his fists up in the air.

"okay baby. my turn again." the score was 5-6. grayson was in the lead. we decided to go to 7, so if i got this wrong, grayson wins. but if i get it right we keep going. i suddenly felt his lips on mine. i licked my lips when he pulled away. "oh that has to be grape!" he yelled, making me laugh as i pulled off the blindfold. "yes! i still have a chance. you just have to get this wrong." we were tied at 6 now.

i applied the mango flavored chapstick since it was the only one left. "okay gray. last one." i leaned in and pecked his lips. he licked them again and again before asking for another kiss. "oh! pineapple!" he yanked off his blindfold and i erupted into laughter. "mango?! i've never heard of mango chapstick!"

"well, you guys! it looks like i've won!" i looked over at grayson and he had an adorable mad look on his face. "awe is my baby upset because he lost?" i stuck out my bottom lip before bursting out in laughter. "it's okay gray. maybe next time." i winked at him before turning back to the camera. "that's all for this video! i hope you enjoyed seeing grayson lose! and if you did, be sure to like and subscribe! i love you guys! bye!" i shut the camera off and plopped back on the bed, grayson following my action.

"that was fun." i turned my head and smirked at him. he faced me and pulled me on top of him. i squealed and bursted into laughter again. "yeah, i guess. would've been better if i won but.." he stopped. we sat in a comfortable silence for a minute before he pulled me closer for a kiss.

"i love you gray."

"and i love you baby. even though i lost."

published mar 24 2020
omg i'm so sorry i haven't updated in so long. i didn't have inspiration to write anything. i hope you are all staying safe during these scary times. i love you and i promise to try better with updating. <3

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