love bites > g.d

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"baby" i stare at y/n as she pulls her hair up in the bathroom. "hmm?" she lifts her head up to look in the mirror. "come here" she pulls some hair out right in front of her ears and walks towards me. i sit up in the bed so that my back is leaning against the headboard. she stands beside the bed so i pull her into my lap. she giggles softly and wraps her arms around my neck, while my arms are around her waist.

"you're so beautiful. you know that?" she blushes and hides her face in my neck. "grayson, stop it" she whined. i chuckled softly and rubbed her back. "i'm not gonna stop telling you how much i love you" she sat back up in my lap and smiled, still blushing.

i pulled her in and began kissing her neck softly and lovingly. neck kisses are something she's always loved. she told me one time that they make her weak too.

"g-grayson" i pulled away after softly nipping the skin on her neck. "did i hurt you" i asked worriedly. "no" she answered simply. "i just feel- like, butterflies in my stomach" she blushed and hid her face in my neck again. "i guess neck kisses really do make you weak, huh" she mumbled something inaudible as she dug her face further into my neck, her glasses pressing against me.

"they're just love bites babydoll. nothing to worry about" i chuckled softly and continued kissing her neck.

"g-grayyy" she whined making me laugh softly against her skin. "okay okay i'll stop" i pulled away and she sat up.

she traced the outlines of my abs on my uncovered stomach. "i like the way they feel" she looked at me through her long lashes. "hmm?" she sighed. "the neck kisses. i like the way they feel" i raised my eyebrow and set my hands to rest right above her butt. "do you now" she hummed and laid on my chest. "i do"

i kissed her head softly and rocked her back and forth, rubbing her back. "now i know another weakness of yours" i felt her cheeks get warmer as they laid on my chest, which made me smirk. "saying cute things to you, that's one. and the other..." i paused and heard her slow breaths, telling me she fell asleep.

"love bites"

published mar 24 2020

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