cramps > e.d

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ethan and i were supposed to go to the lake with his family tomorrow, but my period came earlier than expected. and with it came horrible cramps, probably the worst ones you've ever experienced.
you grabbed your phone so you could call ethan to tell him that you can't go because your stomach was hurting so badly.
after a few rings he finally picked up.
ethan: hey baby what's up?
you: i don't think i can go tomorrow.
ethan: why not? are you okay?
you: no. i just started my p- my thing-
ethan: y/n i know what a period is, you don't have to do that. *he chuckled softly*
you: okay. so i started my period today and i'm in s-so much p-pain. *you began to tear up from the pain in your lower stomach. your voice cracked as you spoke, on the verge of tears.*
ethan: baby i understand. i'm sure it sucks. you don't have to go. i tell you what, how about i come over with pads/tampons, your favorite candies and snacks, plus a bunch of movies? you know, to get your mind off of it. how does that sound?
you: good. um, are you gonna go to the store to get everything?
ethan: yeah is there something else you need?
you: um..a heating pad? i can pay you back-
ethan: nope, i'm paying. you shouldn't have to pay for anything for times like this. i'll be over soon, okay?
you: okay. please hurry. it hurts.
ethan: i know baby. i'll hurry. i love you.
you: i love you too. bye.
and you hung up.
you placed your phone beside you on the bed and rolled over, clutching your stomach in pain. your eyes watered again and you shut them tightly, causing multiple tears to fall. i can't do this. i need him. right now.
-ethan's pov-
i unlocked y/n's front door with the key she had given me. i walked inside and set my keys on the counter.

"y/n?" i yelled, not too loud, but loud enough that she'd be able to hear me if she was in her room. but, i got no reply. i took the bags from the store upstairs and walked to her room. the door was cracked, and the lights were off.

i slowly opened it and walked inside quietly in case she was asleep, which she was. i smiled at her cute self, cuddled up in my sweatshirt that i gave her a couple days ago. i set the stuff down beside her bed, took off my shirt and climbed under the covers carefully.

she stirred in her sleep then let out a small groan. i laid down all the way right before she cuddled into my side. i wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head softly before drifting into sleep of my own.
time skip: 1½ hours later -y/n's pov-
i woke up to cramps again. i turned and saw ethan asleep beside me, and i smiled to myself. but soon my smile faded due to the horrible pain.

i gripped my stomach and started rocking back and forth, which eventually woke ethan up.

"cramping?" i nodded, my eyes filling with tears. he leaned over the edge of the bed and pulled out pain medicine and the heating pad. he grabbed my water off the beside table and finally turned back to me. he handed me the pills and water, letting me take it. i swallowed it and took the heat pad from his hands. i wrapped it around my waist and turned it on. it only took 2 minutes for it to heat all the way up.

i laid down on my side and cuddled into him, trying to keep my sobs quiet so he wouldn't notice.

but i failed.

he pulled away and looked down at me. "baby..are they that bad?" i nodded, unable to talk as my tears fell. he pulled me into him, holding me close. he laid down with me, still holding on tight. "go to sleep baby. i'll be right here of you need anything, okay?" i nodded and closed my eyes, slowly but surely falling back asleep.

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