clingy > e.d

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for ema <3

i walked into the dolan household, excited to see my boyfriend, ethan, after a long day at work. i set my bag down on the counter and slip off my shoes and head upstairs.

"ethan?" i yell. i turned the corner and heard ethan's voice, making me smile. i walk to the closed door that ethan's voice seemed to be coming from and just as i was going to open it, i heard what he was saying.

"gray, she's just so clingy! and it doesn't stop! like, i obviously want my own time; time where she isn't all over me, you know?" my heart instantly dropped. then i heard grayson speak up. "bro she just loves you! you can't let her go, man. she's a keeper." even his kind words didn't raise my spirits. ethan's awful words absolutely broke me.

"i don't know bro. she's just annoying." i sighed, my breath shaky. "if you have a problem, it's not my decision. it's all you." i headed downstairs, getting my stuff as my vision blurred slightly, tears sliding down my cheeks. i heard footsteps running down the stairs and i wiped my tears.

"hi babe. how was work?" i shrugged, putting my shoes back on. "babe? whatcha doin'?" i looked up at his confused face and grabbed my keys off the counter. "i'm leaving. i figured you wouldn't want your clingy girlfriend around." his face immediately dropped. "yeah, i heard it all. i'm leaving."

"ema, please. don't do this." i let out a deep breath. "ethan, this is your fault. you are the reason i'm leaving. i'll see you whenever." i opened the front door, ready to walk out when he grabbed my wrist. "em, i didn't mean it. i love you." i shook my arm out of his grip. i didn't turn to face him, but i spoke up. "if you didn't mean, you wouldn't have even said it at all. good bye ethan."

a week later

i have been at home with my mom ever since i left ethan. as far as i know, we are still together. my mom has continuously told me to go talk to him all this time, but it wasn't until today that i took her advice into consideration.

i got out of bed, showered, and got ready for the day. i grabbed ethan's house key he had given me, my phone, and car keys, and then left.

i pulled into the driveway of his house and sat in my car for a while, contemplating whether or not i should go in. he never tried to reach out to me, and i don't know if that was out of respect of my decision, fear, or if he just didn't want to talk to me.

after a few minutes of sitting in my car, i was about to give up and drive away, but then the front door opened, revealing a tired looking grayson. he saw my car and jogged over to meet me as i stepped out.

"ema. you should go in. he needs you." i looked down at the pavement, playing with my fingers. "but he never tried to find me, he never called or texted." i looked back up at him. "he didn't know how, ema. just...go talk to him, please. i gotta go." i watched him walk to his car and drive away. i sighed, walking up to the front door.

i unlocked it and slowly opened the door.

what i saw then completely shocked me. the house was a total wreck and it smelled awful. there was trash all over the floor, but i made it work. i quickly ran up the stairs and walked quietly to ethan's room. the door was cracked, so i peeked through. he was sitting on his bed, facing the door but his head was in his hands, looking down at the floor. he kept mumbling words that i couldn't make out.

my heart broke seeing him like this. there were tissues all over his bed and some on the floor. i pushed the door open as quietly as i could. i walked over to him and hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder, making his head shoot up. his puffy eyes caught mine and he quickly shot up off the bed.

"ema. oh my god, em!" he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly as if this was the last time he would ever hug me. "hi ethan." i mumbled. he pulled away, still holding onto my hands.

"ema, i'm so sorry for what i said. i regretted it the second i saw you. please don't ever leave me like that again." he sniffled, tears slowly falling.

i pulled him in for a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck. he hid his face in my neck, softly crying.

"i love you ethan. i forgive you." he sniffled again as he pulled away. he slowly leaned in for a kiss and our lips collided perfectly, making sparks fly.

"i love you so much ema."

published june 2 2020
ema!!! i hope you liked it<3 thank you for the request!!!!

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