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after a long day at the beach, surfing and soaking up the sun, grayson and i sat next to the fire he had built, watching the sunset.

i sat between his legs, my back resting on his chest. his comforting embrace kept me warm, sheltering me from the cool breeze that brushed past our bodies every now and then.

i sighed in contentment, realizing just how much i love my life at the moment.

i nearly jumped out of my skin when i heard the oh-so familiar voice speak up behind me. "you okay?" he mumbled, his mouth close to my right ear.

i nodded, leaning back into him. "just thinkin' is all." his hands slowly moved down to my thighs, sweetly caressing them.

"thinking 'bout what, my love?" i smiled; the nickname always sent butterflies to my stomach.

"us. i'm thinking about how happy i am right here with you." i looked up at him, his eyes immediately meeting mine. i smiled up at him and he followed suit, slowly leaning down to connect our lips.

he pulled away, our eyes holding contact.

"you have no idea how happy you make me, y/n l/n."

i sat up a little, just enough that my lips could attach to his jaw, planting small kisses there. one of my hands reached up into his hair while the other caressed his cheek.

"i love you gray." he kissed my forehead softly, his lips lingering for a moment.

"i love you more."

i made a noise that 'told' him that was impossible, but we both knew we would be arguing about that for a while.

i focused my attention back on the sunset, the soft pinks and oranges slowly changing into blues and purples.

i grew tired, yawning every other minute and leaning further into grayson, one of his hands now behind him, supporting his body. his other hand made its way to mine that sat on my lap. he intertwined our fingers, his thumb rubbing across my knuckles.

"it's getting dark, we should probably leave soon." i nodded, sitting up. i slowly turned around and made my way into grayson's lap.

my legs wrapped around his torso and my face rested on his shoulder. his arms held me tightly, pulling me close to his body. he always seemed to be warm, even if it was below freezing out. he's like my personal heater.

"baby, as much as i love holding you while you sleep, we should get home before i have to carry you and everything else to the car." i yawned, slowly moving my body off of his. i stood up and stretched, wiping the sand off of my legs.

he collected all of our things in one hand, reaching his other hand out for me to hold. i took it, of course, wrapping my arm around his bicep and leaning my head on his shoulder.

i got back to thinking about just how content i am in this life that i have, and i can't help but smile.

the more i thought, the more i realized how happy i am around grayson. he is my happiness.

"whatcha so smiley about?" he chuckled, stopping in his place to get the car keys out of the bag, unlocking his bronco.

i stood close as i watched him pile the beach bags into the back seat. once that was done, he turned back to me, kicking the door closed.

he gripped my waist, spinning me around so i was pressed against the car.

his hand made its way to my face, holding my cheek as his eyes burned into mine.

"you are absolutely perfect, grayson. i'm so happy whenever i with you, and i love you." he smiled, connecting our lips for about the thousandth time tonight.

our lips moved in sync, molding together perfectly. my hand lightly pulled his hair, making grayson open his mouth slightly to let out a low groan. i took this opportunity to push my tongue into his mouth. what was once a sweet kiss had quickly turned to a steamy make-out against his car.

we eventually pulled away, out of breath. his hands held my face, forcing me to keep eye contact with the almost intimidating man.

"i love you babydoll. you're my precious baby, you know that right?"

i nodded, smiling brightly. he kissed my swollen lips again, this kiss not lasting more than five seconds.

"now get in so we can get home and into bed. i'm cuddle-deprived."

published aug 16 2020
you guys, this book is so close to 100k reads, that's insane!!! thank you for all the support!! i have a couple more chapters, and after i write the last one there will be 100 chapters. so, i'm taking that opportunity to start fresh. i'm also working on a 'grayson dolan imagines' book, and i'll start publishing from there once i'm done here:) stay tuned, i've got more coming<3<3<3

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