can't sleep > g.d

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you and grayson have been dating for 3 years now and are very comfortable with each other. he lives only 20 minutes away from you in his own apartment, while you live by yourself in your own apartment.
you texted, called, and facetimed constantly, and hung out a lot. he was at your place almost everyday.
tonight, you couldn't sleep. it was 12am but you still decided to text grayson to see if he was still awake:

you: gray, you still awake?
grayson: yeah you okay?
you: mhm i just can't sleep
grayson: do you want me to come over?
you: you don't have to
grayson: but i want to i'll see you in 25 minutes ❤
you: okay <3
*end conversation*

25 minutes later you heard a knock at your door. you opened it to see grayson, in a sweatshirt and sweatpants.
you: hi gray
grayson: hey baby
he gave you a kiss as he walked in. he walked into the kitchen and put his keys down on the counter. his back was facing you so you saw this as an opportunity to hug him from behind.
you wrapped your arms around his torso and snuggled into his clothed back.
gray: let's go to bed okay? you're obviously tired.
you always clinged to him when you were tired, therefore he always knew when you were tired.
you walked up the stairs and into your room. you climbed in bed as grayson took off his sweatshirt, handing it to you. you took it happily and slipped it on.
he climbed in beside you and laid down. you laid your head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around your waist and back.
grayson: goodnight baby.
you: goodnight, i love you. thank you for coming over.
grayson: i'd do anything to see you. i love you too.


word count: 307
grayson is so baby 🥺

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