my girls > g.d

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y/n's pov
first kid will be hard. that's what my mom always told me. now i know what she means. josie doesn't sleep through the night, always up crying and screaming by 3am. it sucks, but i would do it again in a heartbeat, just to be a mother.

screams came from the nursery, like every other night. grayson and i got used to it. it happens every single night at the same time, so every night, around 3, i wake up naturally. then i just wait for her to cry.

i shot out of bed and walked to her room, where she was laying in her crib, crying. "oh baby. come here." i picked her up and walked over to the rocking chair where i attempted to calm her down. "shh, shh, it's okay. mommy's here now." she kept screaming and crying, making me sigh sleepily. she just wouldn't stop. i debated whether or not i should wake grayson up to help me, but that idea soon left when he walked in the nursery.

"here, let me try." i passed josie over to him and he took my spot in the chair. "hey, jos. you need to go back to sleep princess. we are all sleepy." he yawned, making me smile softly. "i'm gonna go fix her a bottle. maybe she's hungry." he nodded and i went downstairs.

as i was fixing her bottle, i didn't even notice that she had stopped crying. i walked back upstairs, bottle in hand, and to her nursery. "here." i gave it to grayson and he cradled her, letting her drink. he looked up at me and i rubbed my eyes. "you can go back to bed. i got it from here." i shrugged. "i probably won't be able to sleep since i'm already up." he nodded and put his attention back on josie, right as she started crying again. not as loud, but still crying.

"lemme take her." he passed her off to me and i rocked her back and forth in my arms. "you know i saw something somewhere that babies like skin-on-skin contact. it's warm and calms them." i looked up at grayson as he said that. "okay, let's try it then." we walked back to our room and grayson took his shirt off before climbing into bed. "gimme gimme!" he made grabby hands, making me laugh as i handed her off. "hey baby." he whispered as he laid her on his bare chest. i inaudibly 'aww'd at the scene in front of me.

he's such a good dad. i almost started tearing up, but instead i just climbed in bed beside grayson and josie. she slowly stopped crying, her sobs being replaced by quiet snores.

"so i guess it does work." he smiled and looked over at me. "she's precious isn't she?" i nodded. "yeah..and we made her." neither of us could stop smiling and staring at our babygirl.

"alright, let's try to sleep before she wakes back up, ok?" i nodded and laid down. "i love you grayson. and i love you josie."

"i love my girls." he mumbled before we both fell asleep.

published may 6 2020

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