happy tears p2 > g.d

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three years later

"good morning bub." you whispered as you ran my fingers through his messy hair. he sighed softly and opened his eyes, the morning sun shining on them, making them sparkle. you scanned his face with your eyes, starting at his hair going all the way to his jawline. the corners of his lips turning up slightly as you continued to play with his brown hair.

"good morning mrs. dolan." you chuckled softly and kissed him, you lips connecting, creating butterflies in your stomach, even after five years of dating, and then three years of marriage. "god, i'll never get tired of this." you smiled. "of what baby?" he kissed you again. "waking up like this, calling you mrs. dolan, just life with you." you smiled and cuddled into him. "i love you."

time skip

"breakfast is served." grayson said, his arms motioning towards the dining room table. you smiled, shutting off your phone, and walking to the table. "thank you bub." that was your favorite nickname for him.

you both ate in comfortable silence, until your stomach started acting up. at first you thought nothing of it. until it got worse.

you shot up from your chair, running to the bathroom. grayson sat still, confused, until it clicked in his brain. he shot up too, following you to the bathroom.

you were hunched over the toilet and he walked behind you, leaning over and tying your hair up. "it's okay baby. let it all out. you're okay." he rubbed your back, trying to calm you down.

after a minute you sat back and leaned against the wall. grayson sat next to you and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"where did that come from?" his words were soft and quiet. i shrugged, still not feeling too great. "i was feeling fine all morning. it literally came out of no where." grayson kissed my forehead before standing up. "i'm gonna go clean up downstairs okay? call me if you need me." he smiled and walked out of my sight.

i immediately stood up, slowly though, not trying to make myself sick again. although, i do have an idea as to why i just threw up.

i bent down and opened the cabinet under the sink, grabbing a box and opening it quietly. i turned and quickly locked the bathroom door, not wanting grayson to find out what i was doing.

time skip - 7 minutes later

i looked down at the two plastic sticks on the counter, both containing two faint lines. i picked up the box and looked at the box which read: 'two lines = pregnant'. i jumped when i heard a voice come from the other side of the door. "baby, you okay?" i cleared my throat before answering. "y-yeah. um, just using the bathroom." i tried my very best to sound calm, which apparently worked because grayson just said "okay" and walked away. i looked back down at the sticks in front of me. i picked them up, staring at the faint lines. this means that i'm only a few weeks along.

i covered my mouth with my hand as i felt my eyes tear up. grayson and i have been trying to start a family for three whole years now, and its finally happening. a couple warm tears slid down my cheeks but i quickly wiped them away, and sniffled. i looked at myself in the mirror, and cleaned myself up, making it look like i didn't just cry. i picked up the two sticks and put them in my hoodie pocket. i unlocked the door and walked out, heading downstairs to surprise grayson.

he was sitting on the couch and when he saw me he immediately shot up. "baby, you okay?" i nodded and my eyes welled up again. he obviously noticed. "b-baby? what's wrong?" i shook my head and wiped the away. "grayson, sit down please." he obliged, confused, and took his seat on the couch with me sitting beside him. "babe what's going on?" i smiled softly.

i cleared my throat. "so..um, you know how we've been wishing for, uh, to start a family right?" he nodded, his eyes wide. "baby, don't tell me-" i smiled. "i'm pregnant." he shot up off the couch, his mouth covered by his hand. "no! are you serious?!" i nodded and giggled softly. "yes! yes, yes, yes!! i'm gonna be a dad!" he did a victory lap around the couches, which made me smile even bigger as i stood up. he came back over to me, tears slowly falling down his cheeks. happy tears.

"awe, baby. don't cry!" he shook his head, smiling as big as he did when i walked down the isle, if not bigger. "i-i can't believe it. there is a baby..in you. in here," he said as he squatted down in front of my stomach. he gripped my hips softly and placed small kisses on my covered belly. i ran my fingers through his fluffy hair as i smiled down at him. he stood back up and kissed me passionately.

"i love you." he bent back down, lifting my shirt up just a little bit to place small kisses there again. "and i love you little one."

published feb 25 2020
omg i'm SO sorry it took so long to get this out. i hope you like it :)

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