lazy day > g.d

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"you're so perfect" i whispered into her ear, not expecting her to react. but she did.

she smiled softly and rolled over, snuggling into me. i smiled at her, wondering how i ever got someone so perfect to be mine.

she soon started waking up. she rubbed her eyes and then looked up at me. "good morning love," i said as i played with her hair lightly. "whatcha wanna do today?" she shrugged and dove back into my arms, wrapping her own around me in the process.

"a lazy day sounds pretty good." her warm breath hit my chest sending shivers up my spine.

"okay. like, watch movies, eat snacks, maybe do facemasks tonight? sound good?" she nodded and sat up, she was leaned back on the headboard of the bed. i took this as an opportunity to snuggle into her instead. i wrapped my arms around her thighs, placing my head on her stomach. she began fiddling with my hair, causing me to close my eyes in relaxation.

eventually we decided to get up and eat breakfast, then watch movies in bed.

after watching several movies and binge watching our favorite shows, it was 7pm.

i yawned sleepily and rolled onto my side so i was facing y/n. she looked down at me and smiled.

my gosh that smile.

"what?" she asked, laughing slightly.

even small things like that, her smile or little laughs from her can make my day, no, make my year!

"nothing." i said quietly, just enough for her to hear me. she rolled her eyes playfully, focusing back on the TV that was playing. i continued to stare at her in complete awe.

i want to spend the rest of my life with this girl.

"y/n?" she kept her eyes on the TV, and her only response was a quiet "hm?"

"do you wanna do facemasks now?" she looked down at me with a twinkle in her eyes. "yes!! did you get the coconut one?" i nodded and she got up, dancing around happily. i chuckled at her cuteness.

"so come onnn!!! let's goo!!" she grabbed my hand and practically pulled me out of bed. i got up and walked with her to the bathroom.

"two coconut facemasks coming right up!" i pulled out two facemask packages from underneath the sink and she snatched one. she stood on the floor, applying it in the mirror as i watched her closely. her nose scrunched several times and it was the cutest thing ever.

she finished putting her mask on as i was opening mine. "you wanna do mine?"

"sure." she smiled and grabbed the mask, putting some in her hand and started putting it on my face. i could tell she was struggling to reach. "here." i picked her up and set her on the counter. she giggled but applied the face mask.

once we finished and washed them off we decided to get in bed and fall asleep while a movie is playing in the background, since we probably wouldn't finish it.

"i love you grayson. thanks for the lazy day." she smiled up at me before cuddling closer.

"i love you more baby. good night."

december 9 2019

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