skateboarding lesson > e.d

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grayson, ethan, and i were at a skate park. i watched as ethan did board flips and rolled around effortlessly. i longed to be as good as him someday, but i struggled with simply getting on the board.

he looked over to where i was sitting on the bench and walked to me. "i remember you talking about wanting to skate. wanna learn now?" my eyes widened a little. "uh, i don't know. maybe another time." i was nervous. i didn't want to break a bone or just fall embarrassingly. he grabbed my hands, his board on the ground in front of us.

"come on babe. it'll be fun!" he led me to a spot where no one was skating so i could learn without running into anyone or anything.

"okay, so you're gonna step on like this and then push off. it's really simple, actually. it's all about balance." i glanced up at him and rolled my eyes. "i'll be here to catch you. always." i smiled hesitantly, fear flowing through my body. i put one foot on the board and slightly pushed off before i quickly stumbled off. thankfully, i caught myself before i completely fell to the ground.

"i'll be here to catch you." i mocked, rolling my eyes. "hold my hands this time." i nodded and grabbed his hands, clutching on tightly. i repeated my previous steps and rolled slowly. "there you go!" he cheered. "see! simple, right?" i shrugged.

i kept practicing and before we decided to leave, i could roll around without holding onto anything.

"you did so good babe." i gave him a side hug and felt him leave a kiss on my head. "hey, saw you rolling 'round y/n/n. pretty good for a starter." grayson said. "mm, thanks. you're not so bad yourself." ethan made an "ooh" sound, covering his mouth as grayson left his jaw hanging at my comeback. "nice one babe." i gave ethan a fist bump and then we left the park, already planning to come back the next day.

published may 15 2020
hey!!! anyone have any tips on skateboarding? i wanna learn but i don't know where to start<3

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