9 - Never Realm

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I looked again at the piece of paper I was carrying with me, but now it was blank. I couldn't understand what was going on.

A few hours later Garmadon came after me, I was reading a book trying to keep my mind busy.

-"where is the younger me?" I asked him as he entered the meditation room.
-"she went to the village nearby, she will be back in 2 or 3 hours. have you figured out why are you here yet?"
-"no, but I have a feeling you can help me."
-"ok, I am here for you, as always." I looked at his handsome smile, I miss those days
-"before I was dragged into the vortex that brought me here, I found a piece of paper with a note to me, from me... I still have the paper, but it is now blank" he grimes, and I know the expression on his face.
-"It is your personal way to close a loop. It is blank because you haven't written just yet."
-"what do you mean by closing the loop?"
-"something, mostly emotions, triggers your power, the vortex opens and you go for the first time, but the chances are you will be stuck in a loop, and you will keep going back and not exactly remembering why, until you find the answer you are looking for. So you learn how to close the loop and get out exactly where you entered the vortex. Now you have the paper, you need to write down the note you found and once you place the note where you found before, you will go back to the same place and you will remember everything."

I grabbed a pen and write the note into the piece of paper I had in my hand, and carried on talking to him.
-"would you take me there?" I asked him
-"where is 'there'?
-"Moridunum, the fortress at the top of the hill"
-"ok, let's go!"

He summoned a dragon and I climb on his back. Soon we were there.

-"what is about this place?" He asked me as we enter the large room before the chamber.
-"a big piece of our history yet to be discovered."
-"you and your secrets... was it here you find the note?"
-"yes, just at the back of that door."
-"The chances are as soon as you place the note where you first find, the vortex will reappear to take you back... "
-"ok, maybe we should say goodbye."
-"if is that what you want..." he said holding my hand and picking the piece of paper with the note, I can tell he doesn't want me to go.

-"is that how I mastered remembering, by writing myself notes." I tried changing my mood.
-"that is one of the ways. Also, it depends on each direction of time you are travelling when you visit the past, is because you are looking for a way to fix something that went wrong, those trips you try remembering as much as possible, but when you travel to the future, you normally want to forget, you always say..."
-"... the future is yet to be written..." we said together.
-"Exactly... I don't know much about your technique when you visit the future, you keep those to yourself. The only thing I know is that you always have something from the people you want to go back to. Nowadays is your wedding ring, but I see you don't have it anymore."

I noticed he has been looking at my left hand.
I tried to avoid eye contact I can't tell him anything about our future. Instinctively I placed my hand on my neck holding to the green scarf I always wear, it used to be Lloyd's blanket when he was a baby, that is what always takes me back to him, I never realized that before.

Garmadon is watching me as if confused, I said nothing, and he finally asked me the question, he knows I will not answer.

-"are we not together any more, Misako, am I dead in your time?"
-"you know well I can't answer. Let's just say it is complicated."
-"are you with Wu? Is this green thing in your neck his."
-"no, I am not with your brother, at least not the way you are insinuating... and no, my green scarf has nothing to do with Wu either. Stop being jealous, you know I have chosen you... furthermore I now have someone far more important than you two idiots..."

I turned my back to him, feeling annoyed by his silly jealousy behaviour, I endure that our entire life together, from both of them. However, he takes me by surprise started giggling as he gives me a warm and gentle hug noodling his nose in my hair...

-"I am sorry sweetheart, I know I promise you I wouldn't go there anymore, please forgive me.. And I guess the green scarf is our child, am I right."

I don't answer, but my smile betrayed me, as I turned to look into his purple-blue eyes, he cups my face in his hands and started kissing me, first softly, but soon our desire started demanding more and next I just couldn't believe I was making out with my younger ex-husband, and it was quite special and weird... strangely enough, as soon as we compose ourselves back to our clothes, I felt as young as ever, he always had this power over me, in his arms, I am always so alive.

I gave one last look at him before I placed the paper at the back of the door, the sudden vortex opened claiming me back to my time, to the exact place I left. Only, almost 2 weeks later.

This time however I kept my memories, though some of them made my face burn... still I haven't felt that way for a very long time...

I flew back to the monastery, thinking of my little adventure on my past, I pictured Garmadon going back to our home to find the younger me crying on the floor after losing our first baby. He would take her in his arms to comfort and giving her assurance that they would have another chance, he knew it was going to happen, nevertheless, his tears would insist on falling.

Together they would overcome the pain once, twice and one more time before they/we finally had Lloyd. And the day he was born, Garmadon gave me a silky green blanket to wrap Lloyd in, the same green blanket I still wear as a scarf.

One hour later I reached the Monastery to find a very distressed Wu, and a very apologetic Pixal... as she releases him from the restraining he was put on by his own ninja.

All the others were gone... Apparently just a few minutes before I arrived, they went on a rescue mission to save Zane.

I felt disoriented by the history Wu was trying to tell me between his complaints about how the Ninja have managed to fool him.

-"What do mean by 'Never Realm'?
-"Aspheera sent Zane first, and I was going after Zane, but they fool me.."
-"but, who released Aspheera? Don't tell me it was Lloyd again..."
-"not by himself anyway... anyhow, now they are all trapped in the Never realm."
-"Don't worry Master Wu, they have the traveller's tea, they will return."
-"no Pixal, the traveller's tea doesn't work in the Never realm..."

I sit down on the floor, placing my head between my hands, thinking I haven't got any clue yet about Ruby's whereabout and now I will have to find my son and his friends... Great... Wu still shouting at himself, I can tell he is feeling guilty and annoyed at once.

Poor Pixal is trying her best to give a rational explanation about their decision.

I ship #lloykita #loykita

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