56 - The Dominant

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-"Zane, can you hear me?" Pixal called for Zane in their private channel.
-"Yes sweetheart, what's happened?"
-"I cannot find Akita anywhere, the last I saw of her she was at the rooftop of the monastery waving Lloyd goodbye."
-"Do you think she might have jumping down The Valley again."
-"Actually, I think she has jumped into the Destiny Bounty when you took off."
-"Have you asked Nya to check the Bounty yet?"
-"I run a full scan on the Bounty myself, and she is not there either."
-"Where do you think she's gone?"
-"She might have followed Lloyd all the way to the Cloud Kingdom."
-"But how would she do that?"
-"I don't know, Zane, but I have a feeling that nothing can stop her when she decided to do something."


-"Hey, Master Lloyd is nice to see you ... I am relieved you guys made back." Cole said on the comms as soon as he sees Lloyd appearing out of the Blind Man's eye.

-"It is nice to be back" Lloyd replies.

-"Was the mission successful?" Zane asked.

-"Yes, we can say that. Thanks to an element of surprise." Kai answer.

-"What do you mean?" Kim asked.

-"Just promise me you wouldn't be mad at her, Kim?" Lloyd asked Kim.

-"Why would I be mad at someone, Lloyd?" Kim struggled to understand.

-"Maybe because she was your patient yesterday." Cole tells Kim giving her the binoculars.

-"Lloyd... did you take Akita?" Kim asked as soon as she spotted the white three tails wolf.

-"Honestly Kim, I still don't know how she made through there."

Kai and Lloyd were snowboarding down the peak towards where the rest of the team were waiting for them. Completely unaware of the comms talking Akita was already running down the snow far ahead of the two, and Sorla was flying just above her.

Kim still can't believe her eyes, suddenly she noticed Misako was not with them.

-"Lloyd, where is your mother?" Cole asked just before Kim.

-"She took a shortcut I believe, my guess is that she will be at the monastery by the time we get there." Lloyd told the others.


-"Yes, Zane!"
-"You were right, sweetheart, Akita did follow Lloyd to the Cloud Kingdom, and it sounds like she has saved the day. By the way, let us know when Misako arrives there."
-"I think she has just landed in the courtyard."



-"Are you going to tell me how did you get to the Cloud Kingdom?"

Lloyd finally joined me on the deck after load all mechs and weapons into the basement of the Destiny Bounty. On the way to the Alps I hide in one of the mechs, so they wouldn't see me, therefore, this is my very first time at the deck and I am fascinated by the view.

-"Lloyd I love flying, the view from here is amazing." I said leaning forwards and letting my body fall over the deck handrails.
-"Are crazy, Red? You might fall down!" Lloyd said pulling me back and held to my waist
-"I wouldn't." I wrapped my arms around his neck smiled at his concerned face.
-"You are such a reckless girl." He said with a smile, pecking my nose.
-"what does reckless means?"
-"If you have a reckless attitude, you aren't concerned about what happens to yourself."
-"and why should I be concerned about anything?"
-"well, what if you fall down?"
-"First of all I wouldn't fall, I was just looking down, second, if I fall, what I wouldn't, I certainly would find a way to land save, maybe I would even summon my own dragon, I don't know... but I wouldn't be afraid, fear serves no purpose."

He said nothing, only keep staring at my eyes with a smile on his face.

-"what? Did the words I use make no sense for you?" I asked unsure if I said something wrong.

-"actually they make perfect sense, I am just amused by how brave, clever and beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have found you."

I smile while he takes my lips on a passionate kiss.

-"I jumped from the monastery rooftop into the Bounty basement." I started answering his questions as soon as he released my lips. "...once I was inside I hide myself in one of the mechs, Zane's one, I found out later. As you all set going, I followed you from a distance and jumped into the wind tornado Kimberly made just after you all were already inside, and then I hide again in the Cloud Kingdom and waited for the right moment. Copper told me what I had to do and when she saw all possible outcomes, and she knew what was going to happen, she knew the only way to succeed was with me there."

-"When did she speak to you?"

-"This morning, I thought it was a dream to start with, but she made clear it was not a dream."

-"And... you didn't tell me anything..." I sensed he was a bit cross I kept a secret from him.

-"it wouldn't have worked if you knew it, that was how supposed to happen, see I am not that reckless as you might think." I made him smile back to me.

-"ok... I forgive you for not telling me the plan, but only because my sister put you on this."

-"to be honest, Master Lloyd... " I said a bit sarcastic "...I would have gone anyway... "

-"what? I told you couldn't go."

-"and I am not yours to command, you should have learned that by now, Greenie." I said smiling, I was not trying to upset him, only playing...

-"is that so?" he started tickling me, making me giggle. "I will have to teach you how to behave if you keep being naughty like this."

-"What do you mean?" I said between giggles, trying to stop him from tickle me.

-"I will tickle you.. or kiss you ...or else... until...." he started nibbling my ear making my hair to stand up on my skin, and I couldn't stop giggling "... until you beg me to stop."


-"that is not a begging..."

-"Please... stop..."


-"Please... please... stop tickling me...."

-"said it again, a proper begging voice."

-"Lloyd... please... I beg you..."

-"that is more likely." He said stopping torturing me and laughing.

-"what are you laughing about?"

-"you just did what I told you to do, you are learning well." He said still laughing.

He holds me tightly as if expecting a reaction from me. However, he is the one with a physical reaction and I can feel it against my body.

-"Lloyd... " he looks at me "does that turn you on?" As soon as I ask his cheeks go bright pink, and don't really need an answer. "you were playing dominant on me, weren't you?"

-"Red..." he closed his eyes and I touched his very pink cheeks to let him know it is ok, I like playing... "...girl, you are always one step already of me, how do you do that?"

-"do you forget I am a wolf? I know Alpha behaviour when I see one."

-"Does that turn You on?" He wrapped me inside his arms and whispered with a husky voice in my ear.

-"Yes...kind of..." I answered mellow, kissing him with lust and desire.

-"oh... Red... you are killing me...

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