21 - Happily Ever After

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A decade or more ago... in Ninjago..

-"... and that was when the light shine really bright, and darkness left the realm to never be seen again... The End..." - father finished reading the old book, his 7 years old's favourite ever, he doesn't quite understand why, from all the books on the shelf appropriate to his age, the boy always have to pick this one, which is more like a prophecy than a story book itself.

-"and do they live happily ever after?" - the boy asks his father as if he would like to continue the story somehow.

-"well... it really doesn't say that in the book, but one can only hope so, especially after so much trouble, don't you think?"

-"sure do, Daddy.... I think they did... Daddy, what exactly means Happily ever after? I mean, would life just stop once people are happily ever after?"

-"you know, for a 7 years old you think far too much..."

-"I am 7 and a half..."

-"I am sorry Mr sevenandhalf boy...." father said laughing a bit -"it is a fair question, I am not sure I am able to answer."

-"you can try..." the boy knows his father really well, he will always find a way to explain something, doesn't matter how difficult it is...

-"well, life doesn't stop, and when something ends here, elsewhere something else will just begging. The lessons you learned though, will help you to secure the next 'happily ever after'... does it make sense?"

-"yes... I guess, have you found your happily ever after yet Daddy?"

-"yes... in fact I did... and it comes in the shape of a wonderful woman and this adorable boy..."

-"ah..." the boy screamed giggling "mummy and me..."

-"how did you know that?" - father would tickle the boy's tummy, and they laughed out loudly...

-"hey you two...that is supposed to be bedtime and not a party slash sleepover..." mother shouted from the corridor."

-"OK Mum..." both answered unison, holding back the giggles.

-"I better say good night to you, my adorable boy, before Mum come back..." father said that holding his son into his arms one more time, kissing the side of his neck, making him giggle a bit more.

-"Daddy... I don't want your happily ever after to end... ever ever ever..."

-"me neither... that would be amazing..." - father tried to say the right things, even know inside himself there is this horrible feeling that his happily ever after was just about to end.

-"what is happened Daddy? are you OK?" The boy picked up his emotions, sometimes he forgets his son is this special soul, and nothing escapes his senses.

-"I am ok! I want you to remember something, I love you more than anything else, you and your mum is the reason I try so hard to be good."

-"I know that... but why are you suddenly sad?"

-"because there will be a day that I wouldn't be here... or wouldn't be the same Daddy you know, and you might even forget how much I love you, and ..."

-"Dad.... what are you talking about? You are scaring me..."

-"Sorry... sorry... sorry... I didn't mean to scare you... it is just your old dad being silly " father tickles trying to change the moody.

-"why wouldn't you be here..."

-"I told you I was just being silly..."

-"no, you did not, I know when you are being silly... Dad... are you leaving us... ?"

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