80 - The Sisterhood Bracelet

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It was a dream, at least I thought it was, Ama jumped by my side, as she always does when she wants me to follow her up and about in the Never Realm, and I did... but as I walked down some sort of narrow path I gained the conscious that I was in Okami's house instead, in the secret room I found with Lloyd early on.

-"what is it Ama?" I asked her, and she tapped her nose to a drawer, as I opened I found a beautiful white platinum dress with red embroidered, the pattern recreated the yin and yang from the necklace.

-"do you want me to wear this?" She nodded, and I slipped the dress on and turned to a giant mirror in the wall. As I did, out of the folding of the dress, something fell down, a ruby red velvet box, just a bit bigger than my hand.

As soon as I reached for the box Ama disappeared. My power reacts to the box, scaring me a bit, my powers only react when Lloyd is by my side. Slowly I opened the box to find a bracelet, the words were in a language I don't remember learning before, but somehow I knew the meaning.

"Blood made us sisters, life made us friends, love kept us bonded, and forever we shall shield one another, until the end." Genji Twins

-"Dear Sister, my time is coming. Where are you? I am sorry I broke my vows to you, many, many years has past and still, it hurts me every day, why did you leave me, why couldn't you stay, we would fight and we prevail, we always did despite what they said, you are, you always will be the strongest part of me, you will eternally being in my heart. I hope and I long for the day when we will meet again." Yours, Ama.

Scenes of Ama, however, it was me instead, old in age and weak in strength, sitting down at the table to write those words, she touched the bracelet once more, before removing and putting into the box, carefully folded the paper and slipped it under the cushion inside the box.

Tears dropped in her face, her only regret in that life, letting her beloved sister go, she could and she should have stopped her, but she did want her to stay by her own will, but she didn't. Ama blinked letting her tears roll over her face and closed the box, placing it in a safe location, as she left the table she saw her other half, he gave her his hand, and she held onto it. A thousand-year have passed since he first touched her in battle, and still, she feels exactly the same.

-"Would she ever know how much I love her?"

-"Ama, my darling, I think the question is: 'would she ever forget how much you love her'?"

-"no, she wouldn't, neither would I"

-"what do you mean, Red?"

Suddenly, I realised it was not Ama talking anymore, but me, and it was not the Dragon, but Lloyd holding my hand.



-"yes... who else?" - I answered her question.

-"I saw Ama, she brought me here and showed me this dress and the box. And then I was her and the Dragon was here too, and he held my hand..." she said very quickly, using some words in her native language, I could tell she still was a bit confused by all she experienced.

-"come here" I brought her inside my arms, to calm her down. -"shall I be jealous of him?" I asked playfully.

-"I think you should, he is handsome."

-'he cannot be more than me..."

-"trust me, he is... and more understanding about this entire sister thing."

-'ok... I am officially jealous...." she laughed "were you talking about your sister?"

-"Yes, Morrigan. Look what I found, I mean, Ama showed me where it was." - she showed me the bracelet and the letter.

-"Can you read that?" I asked her, as I couldn't.

-"Somehow I can, it is from Ama to Morrigan. Lloyd, I need to give this to Morrigan, she needs to know."

-"Give me some time, Akita, I still don't feel I can trust Morrigan, I don't want to see her around, just yet."

-"you don't have to, I can meet her alone."

-"No way I would let her alone with you."

-"Why? If she wanted to hurt me she would have done it already. Don't you think?"

-"no, if she is trying to gain your trust, planning something bigger...Anyway, I don't want to get into a fight with you because of your sister, again. Please, give me a chance to trust her first, on my own terms."

-"Fine" - she placed the bracelet in her wrist, turned on her feet and walked away.

-"Akita..." I called her back "are going to walk away from me and get all upset, again?"

-"No... I will not! I will give you the time you are asking for, I was just going to look for that food Mo gave us, I am hungry." She turned back with a smirk on her face, giving me her hand "Are you coming or not?"

I held her hand, and she interlaced her finger on mine "I am fine, Honey!" she said softly in my ear, kissing my cheek, I kissed her back.

-"Am I your 'honey' now?"

-"Yes, Honey! Your lips are always sweet and I know you love a pet name... " - she peaked my lips a few times, sugaring me up, and I fell under her spell. Sometimes she can be the sweetest thing I have ever come across.

-"Why are you wearing a wedding dress?" - I asked her, as we walked together upstairs.

-"is that what this is?" I nodded back "I don't know... Ama choose! I don't have any other dry clothes to wear, this is probably more comfy than the armours. What are you wearing?" She looked at me in a funny way.

-"A Blanket! I found a few bedclothes and towels in one of the bedrooms."

-"Good, maybe I can change the wedding dress for a bed sheet to match yours."

-"I prefer the wedding dress! You look beautiful."

-"Thank you, Honey." She came very close hovering her lips over mine.

I ship #lloykita #lokita loykita

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