12 - Fire Maker

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ALERT! Serious SPOILERS of Season 11 - Ep 17 & 18

-"Hello my friend Lupa! I beat you are hungry! I got you some fish!" - Sorla found me behind some pieces of wood, near enough to come to her rescue if the strangers try to harm her or her people.

She has always been very kind to me, and she always give me some food. I thanked her with a friend whine, she stroked my head with affection. Sometimes I wonder if she knows the wolf is only one of my forms.

As I eat the fish she gave me, she speaks softly only for me to hear.

-"I know why you are here, you are worried about the strangers, don't you?"

I only looked at her and she knows my answer.

-"don't be afraid, Lupa, they are no foes, they are friends for far far way, they are here to help us all. In fact, one of them are here for a very special reason, Destiny is working its magic and soon you will understand what I mean."

Again I look at her with attention, I only hope she is right, I am well aware she wise and brave, and I have a great admiration for her.

-"My dear Lupa, tonight is even colder than the previous ones, and you are welcome to sheltered in my cabin. I will leave the door unlocked for you."

I did my 'thank you' whine, she already knows what it means.

-"you're welcome my child." She leaves, but not before giving me another stroke and a warm smile.

I waited until everyone was sleeping and entered her cabin, it is not the first time I sheltered myself in her cabin, so I know my way inside, however, to my surprise all the strangers were laying down on her cabin too, somehow she managed to accommodate everyone, they were all sleeping, and I had a good chance to observe each one of them.

The female has her back to the blue one, and his arms wrapped her in, I guess they are mates, the other side of her was the one in red, there is something sweet about the way her feet are touching the back of his legs, as if she is trying to warm herself on him, I see myself and Kataru on them, they must be brother and sister. I felt a bit jealous, I miss my brother so much.

On the opposite site was bunk bed, at the top was the guy in black, he is bigger and taller than the others, he does funny noises as he sleeps. And the bed below was the one in green, he is also very tall, but he looks younger than the rest of them, he smells good, I was very close to him, when he suddenly turned around as if he is sensing my presence, I quickly duck to avoid being seeing, he briefly open his green emerald eyes, I don't think I ever seen eyes like that before, but somehow I felt as if I did, he has the eyes of the dragon.

-"Ru...." he muttered something like that, somehow it sounds familiar.

He wasn't awake at all, and the same way he opened his eyes he closed them again following back into his peaceful sleep. I fell asleep watching him.

I dreamed, the same recurring dream I keep having...

I must have been exhausted, I slept past noon. I wake up with the sound of Sorla's voice, somehow I was well hidden under a box, I could easily get out from, I guess Sorla has put that over me to prevent anyone to see me there.

None of the strangers were in the room anymore, but Sorla voice coming from the adjacent room was calm and soft, I was about to leave and carry on with my life when I hear his voice speaking to Sorla.

-"Lloyd!" - so that is his Name -"Your friend, Zane, is imprisoned here in the Ice Emperor's castle. There are only two paths through the mountains. This is the safest." Sorla said showing him a map.

-"A pass?" He asked her

-"In the old target, it's called Mala Wujira." - Sorla explained

-"Ma-la Wujira?" - I smiled to myself watching him, he has a funny expression I can tell he is confused, he has no idea what Sorla is talking about.

-"Wujira's wrath. But you must be careful. You cannot make a sound in this place. You cannot speak or whisper. Even your footfalls must be like a gentle breeze." She continues.

-"Why?" He still confused.

-"If you make a sound, Wujira will strike you down." She answered

-"Okay... but what is it?" He is still confused, I don't blame him, if I didn't know Wujira so well myself I wouldn't get either.

Sorla demonstrates the Wujira's wrath. Doing some gestures and noise...

-"Okay! " he takes the map and rolls it up. -"Great, well, I guess we'll just be quiet." He steps outside to meet with the others.

I follow him with my eyes.

-"he is special, you know? Lloyd is his name." Sorla tells me once he is out of site.

I should know she knew I was watching them.

-"and you are very special too, Lupa... I know you have been lonely for a long time, and you find difficult trusting anyone, but, you can trust him, you know you can... and..."

She was about to say something else but the village alarm bell started ringing. I run outside of the village while the villager people gathered around.

I run fast out the village limits and climbed up to get a better view, and I see the Blizzard Samurai approaching fast and fully armed, it looks like they have come to destroy the village once and for all for sheltered the newcomers. "They should have known not to defy the Ice Emperor." I could hear one of their generals saying. What have I done?

I attracted the black wolves to trying to stop them to reach the village but it was in vain, they were far too powerful. As the sun started setting they reach the village to attack.

But to my surprise the village was prepared to resist, lead by the stranger in Black, the other strangers as well as the villagers worked together to upscale their defence and together fight to the end, when one of the Blizzard Samurai managed to extinguish the heart of the village, the eternal flame that keeps them alive. Without their fire, they are fated to die.

I watch from a safe distance, feeling guilty for bringing them here, it is all my fault...

Suddenly I realised I was not the only one feeling guilty I watch the red one for a while, he looks as if he feels as guilty as me, I wondered why.

-"I'm sorry." He said genuinely, watching sadly as a villager wraps a blanket around him.

-"It is not your fault, Kai." - Sorla talked kindly comforting him. so, that is his name, Kai.

-"I just wish there was something I could do."

-"You have done all you can, have you not?" Sorla said, in her very challenging way.

And to mine, and everyone else's surprise, Kai stands up and made fire appear from his hands. He has elemental power, I guess that is what they all have. I felt so relieved to see them all happy and warm again.

As I walked away from the village I heard Sorla calling for me.

-"Lupa! it wasn't your fault either. If anything, you brought us hope. They are strong and they are the key to stop the Ice emperor, but they can't do without you, please stay, they need you, especially Lloyd."

I wasn't sure why Sorla was so certain of her words, I don't see how I can help them, but inside me there is this intense desire to stay, stay close to him.

I ship #lloykita #loykita

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