49 - Boundaries

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Despite claiming she was very hungry, Akita didn't manage to eat much, she felt sick. Kim explained she is dehydrated and need to take easy, until she is fully recovered.

She was however discharged from the infirmary, and I took her to rest in the living room, I got all my superman comic books for her to see, as I had promised earlier.

-"now, be a good girl and take your medicine."
-"Sorla, this thing tastes horrible, do I really have to take it all?

As soon as they came back, Kataru asked to spend some time alone with Akita, so I left to give them space.

Sorla also brought in the 3 books Mom has spoken about before, she has seen them in the alternate timeline. Sorla, Mom and Kim started working on understanding the books to see exactly what we need to do next.

While everyone was busy I went to find my sister, Copper. She is not staying with us, the current timeline in Ninjago is far too dangerous for her to stay for too long, but I have a bloodline connection to her. All I have to do is to get myself into a meditation state and call for her, and she would travel to wherever I am.

We talked about changing the rescue plan, and Sorla would go, instead of Akita, so we don't waste more time to free her father. I took the chance to tell Copper about Akita's dream.

-"Copper, Akita had one of those memory's dreams, she saw the temporal void from The Wolf, Ruby, perspective. She told me the wolf asked to get the three guardians."

-"interesting, that means we will only be able to fix the temporal void with the presence of the three guardians."

-"Sorla and Kataru, and who is the third one?"

-"it is Mistake."

-"are you already to tell me where is she?"

-"she is trapped, possibly on her animal form in the tea shop. The Wolf is the only one that can restore her power, the problem is, Lloyd, Akita does not hold all the power she needs to get Mistaké out."

-"and how do we fix that?"

-"I don't know... different timelines, different ways to get there... I can only tell you what has happened last time."

-"so, tell me."

-"your power enhances hers through physical contact, but she did know how to summing this power, Ruby was well prepared by Mistake. Akita needs to learn."

-"would the 3 book have the instructions Akita needs to learn."

-"no, those instructions has never been put in writing, only Mistake had the instructions herself, it was her task."

-"and how we are supposed to free Mistake, if we need Mistake to teach Akita how to do it."

-"Trick one, no? Well, maybe there is another way. I am not sure I should be telling you that, but Mistake would if she was around."

-"What is it?"

-"The Wolf and The Dragon body fluids need to merge together, so will become one, archiving full potential and restoring all powers and memories of both of you."

-"Merge body fluids? How?"

-"Doesn't matter, first time was through blood, the alternate timeline was through intercourse... how far are the two of you from your big moment? You know what I mean, yes..."

-"Yes I know what you mean... and I am not talking about sex with my sister... "

-"oh Lloyd, please!!! Don't be a prude, this sister of yours is far more experienced than you."

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