54 - Reckless - Ninja GO!

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AN: Sorry my lovelies, I am terrible writing action shots, so this chapter I find difficult to finish (and have been revising a few times). However, in the end, I really liked it, I hope you do too.


We were all together at the control room, everyone gear up, it is strange for me to see my mother in her Dragon form ready to combat if she needs to.

I recap all the plan. Nya and Jay are taking us as high as possible to the Wailing Alps. We are using 4 Mech, Cole and Kim on the first one, they know the Alps better than anyone else, Kim is also in charge of controlling the winds to allow us to get all the way to the top easier.

Kai and I, each have a Mech, I am taking my Mother and Kai is taking Sorla. Zane has the fourth Mech, and he is very much our safety net and back-up if something goes wrong.

Once we reach the top. Kim will create a hurricane that should be strong enough to lift four of us into the Blind Man's Eye to enable the crossing to the Cloud Kingdom, Kai is also coming for reinforcements, he wouldn't stop pesky me until I agree for him to come together.

Once we make the cross, we are by ourselves. We have our best communication devices, but we are not sure they would work there.

Cole, Kim and Zane will be timing 2 hours, if we don't come back, Kim would take them there, to look for us.

-"Akron can sense my Mother's presence, Copper believes as soon as we entered the Cloud Kingdom, he will show himself, and that is what we are counting on. He wouldn't attack my Mother, but he would probably try to capture her as it is his primary tasks setting by his Master. Again, we count on that proximity to aboard him."

-"what if he doesn't show up?" Cole asked.

-"I will have to use my power to attract him, it is just natural for a time traveller to orbit towards another one, it is not a matter of will." Misako explained.

-"Kai and myself will be hidden, as invisible as possible, and Sorla will be in a bird form. Akron needs to believe my Mother is by herself and get as close as possible, so Kai and I can restrain him and Sorla would be able to remove his inhibitor."

-"Once the inhibitor is out he is very much on our side." Mother said completing my explanation.

-"Is everyone one cleared?"

-"yes, Master Lloyd"

-"Good, let's go!"

As the team run towards the Bounty, I went to give one last hug on my wolf girl.

-"See you later, Red" I said kissing her lips.

-"Be safe!"

-"I always am."

-"As if..."

I ran to catch up with the others, they were all ready to go. The four Mechs were load in the basement of the ship, and Zane was working to secure everything, while Nya was taking off.

From the Destiny's Bounty main deck I watched Red shifting into the wolf and run-up to the monastery roof to get as close as possible from the Ship. Reckless wolf girl, that is what she is, and somehow I am so proud of her free and wild spirit. I wish she could have come with us, would have been so much fun.

Almost everything went as planned, the wind at the top was far worse than we anticipated, and Kim was exhausting herself trying to diverge. Cole asked her to stop, as we still need her full power to reach the Blind man's eye. He lead us for a different path with less wind but a bit longer.

-"Master Lloyd, you only have another hour to reach the top or you will lose the Blind man's eye passage." Pixal informed us, she has been tracking the weather via satellites.

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