38 - Red...

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After Kataru left I reached the top of the hill alone.

-"Lloyd... " I said to myself, thinking of him -"my brother thinks I will never see you again. But I think he is wrong ...NEVER is a very long time."

The sun started to rise, it paints the horizon on golden-yellow tones, I miss him, I howl to the skies letting go of my pain.

-"You know, Red...it doesn't really need to be that long..." I heard.

'Lloyd... ?? - no... it can't be... I just saw he leaving... it must be only my imagination...' I kept telling myself, refusing to look at where the voice was coming from.

-"Red... " he called me again, with that husky voice of him, that sounds so good, so appealing on my ears. I turned to see his face, stopped thinking and risked to fall with my face on the snow as I just jumped into his arms, completely forgetting I was on my wolf form.

He caught me... almost losing his balance and falling on his back, but he didn't...

-"Red... may I have the girl, please?" He asked me holding me tight.

I shifted back to myself, and he lowered me down, so I could touch my feet on the ground. I was crying and smiling at the same time, I looked to his face and I saw he also had tears in his eyes, I reach his face and touched his cheek, I still couldn't believe he was real. 'If this is a dream or my imagination, I don't want to wake up...' I thought to myself.

When I touched his face, he closed his eyes, and his tears streamed over his face, he lowered his head towards mine, and our forehead touched, and them our nose, I kept watching his every move, I was so afraid if I blink he would just disappear.

He slowly moved one hand from my waist to my chin, lifting my face a bit higher, he glided his thumb softly over my bottom lip opening his eyes back to me at the same time, they were so bright, so green, I felt the twisting on my stomach stronger than ever, to the point I let go a gasping.

-"I am in love with you, Red... May I ... " he didn't finish his words.

He claimed my lips with his instead, in a way I never knew it was possible, exploring my mouth with his tongue, it was so delicious, I felt as if I was melting inside, I couldn't feel my legs, so I wrap my arms around his neck, and he adjusted his grip on my waist taking my body even closer to him, his body heat was even more than mine. The twist in my stomach got stronger and I closed my eyes, and let those feelings taken over me.

I don't know how long we kissed for, slowly our lips parted, and he let go my body just a bit... so we could look at each other again, we both take a deep breath as if we had been underwater.

-"you are still here, I am not dreaming, am I?" I finally asked him, I was sure as soon as I open my eyes again he wouldn't be there, but, he is...

-"no Red, you are not dreaming." he said putting my loose hair behind my ears and cupping my face with his hand -"I am here, and I am not planning on going anywhere without you." He kissed my cheek, small warm kisses until he reached my ear, then he whispered: -" You have no idea how much I longed to kiss you, to feel the taste of your lips..." he said that and as we face each other again noticing his face has turned pink.

-"what do I taste like?" - I asked with a smirk.

-"berries... sweet wild berries..." he said wiping the corners of my lips, I guess he found some berry marks on it.

-"at least is not fish..." I said smiling, thinking I also had fish earlier.

-"why? Do I taste fishy?" He asked me.

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