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Chapter 12

    He licked his lips and walked up to her in the first few steps. Looking down, her right ankle was tightly wrapped in white gauze, and the long skirt covered half of it.

    Discovering his sight, Ceci explained: "When I was working today, I stumbled."

    Yingying: "Would you like to move?"

    Su Yi went up and shook his head, and pity said: "It hurts when you move."

    The eagle stretched out an arm.

    Suyi finally touched his hand.

    It is better than the imaginary touch, hard, steady, and the light is safe.

    After two steps, the eagle slowed down: "There are a lot of people inside, bowing."

    Su Yiyi bowed his head and leaned his face against the shoulder of the eagle eagle. There was no smell on the eagle, only the fragrance left by the suit dry cleaning.

    The people in the seat looked so stunned as the two men walked back and forth.

    Su Yi is also a little experienced in seeing the eagle friend. She sat down with a smile: "Hello, I am a friend of the eagle."

    Xiao Pingtou snorted: "I heard that I heard that it is the one who has a good drink?"

    "Actually, my drink is very poor," Su Yi said modestly. Seeing this little flat head is more eye-catching and asks, "Are you also that day?"

    "No, I listened to them," Xiao Pingtou said. "They said that the legs are very long and very beautiful. I knew you were at first glance."

    Su Yi smiled even sweeter.

    The eagle asked this question: "How do you know that I am here?"

    Su Yi looked at Liu Wei and the other party gave her a wink.

    She coughed a little: "The edge is wonderful."

    Eagle: "..."

    The voice just fell, the waiter brought a few large lobsters up.

    Su Yi looked at these lobsters bigger than her face.

    The phone screen on the table lit up, and the vulture glanced at the subconscious. After reading it, he found that it was not his mobile phone.

    Old witch: "Don't press your legs when you sleep, remember to ban, tomorrow I..."

    I can't see it later.

    Suyi swallowed, picked up chopsticks, and picked up a piece of carrot.

    I was about to put it in my mouth, and suddenly there was a burning touch on my hand. I tried to press her hand back.

    A glimpse of Su Yi: "What's wrong?"

    The eagle looked at the shrimp around the carrot: "Don't eat."

    "Hey, why don't you let others eat," Liu Wei, who is opposite, looks inexplicable: "Hui Yi is not polite, despite eating. Right, we exchanged contact information?"

    Su Yi put down the chopsticks: "Good." I don't know who it is.

    After a meal, Su Yi took a few mouthfuls of water. He listened to Xiao Pingtou and Liu Wei about some irrelevant things. The eagles occasionally said a few words, and then glanced at her from time to time.

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