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Chapter 28

    Wu Xue was next to her and watched the two news with her.

    When I read the title, Suyi had already thought about how to forward the monk. I didn't expect the content and title to be completely different.

    The photo of the news was taken by the media yesterday at the hotel, and the action of her slap in the palm was very clear.

    Then actually began to count the drafts of the marketing number issued by the Liangbo team in the past few days. Later, two of the marketing numbers and the chat records of the Liangbo team employees were attached, and another boss named Liu broke out. Going to find a place in the evening is because the party is open at home, and drunkenness will be accidentally photographed. In short, the whole article revolves around the development of “Liang Bo’s marketing speculation”. Finally, it actually costs three. One part of the space boasted Su Yi from beginning to end, by the way, "The mysterious man last night was suspected of being the new boss of Yu."

    Suyi: "?"

    Wu Xue commanded behind: "Put it to the comments below."

    "Liangbo XX Provincial Support Association: Impossible, garbage media, title dog!"

    "Ha ha ha upstairs is not rushing in to help the wall out?"

    "Artisan powder means that the knife is coming in, helping the po master to grind the nails and go out."

    “Is my concern clear, how do I feel that the new boss is a good man.”

    In the end, there are nearly one hundred replies below this floor. They are actually discussing the eagle eagle, some say high, some say strong, and some are waiting for Baidu Encyclopedia to post photos of the eagle.

    Su Yi draws a reply column.

    "He already has..."

    Just halfway through the word, the phone was taken away by the people behind.

    Wu Xue: "Confiscation, quickly make up."

    Su Yi snorted: "Then I don't send this, you return the phone to me, I want to forward Weibo and ask Liang Bo by the way. Yesterday, he was really happy."

    Wu Xue asked: "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing yesterday?"

    "How do I say," Suyen put it in front of the mirror and wiped the lipstick from the corner of his lips. "Tell you, I fanned Liangbo? I am afraid you will throw me out of the window."

    "That won't be," Wu Xue took the mobile phone and continued to flip the hot microblog below. "Liang Bo has to plant a big head this time. He will not say it on the other side. He is right." Crazy haircuts, now it has been reported that his party at home has invited a total of seven female stars."

    Su Yi is in a good mood, close her eyes and let the makeup artist give her a powder.

    The first scene was not hers. After finishing the makeup, she and Wu Xue promised that they would not reply to the netizens, and took the mobile phone out of the dressing room.

    The dressing room is divided according to the coffee table. There are only three separate dressing rooms in the whole crew, one for each man and the other, and the rest is the art. When she just came out of the dressing room, she saw that Wu Hao had just returned to the make-up room, and her expression was not very good-looking.

    When she saw her, Wu Hao smiled and shouted intimately: "Xiaoyi, you are really getting better and better."

    It’s not unreasonable that Wu Hao can lay down many female stars. He has a lot of rhetoric and always praises her for several rounds.

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