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Chapter 15

Seeing that she did not respond, the vulture asked again.

Su Yiyi came back to God: "Well, it was taken down."

After that, she thought of something, smashed from her own bag and pulled out a black mask.

"It's new, I haven't used it yet," she said as she put it on the eagle.

The eagle grabs her wrist: "What?"

Suyi: "There are some paparazzi who are jealous of me recently. Don't give them a photo."

The eagle raised his eyebrows: "How about shooting?"

"You will be black by the paparazzi..." The words have not finished yet, and Su Yi closed his mouth.

How she forgot, this man can withstand very good, the previous charity party, he can withdraw all the information in one night.

The eagle did not speak.

He took off his mask and hanged it on the face of Suyi, covering her most of her face, revealing only a pair of shimmering scorpions.

The elevator door was opened, and he couldn't help but say that he was holding the waist of the ceremonial, and picked up her half-lifted.

"I won't let you fall," said the eagle, "I will grab my sleeves if I am afraid."

Su Yi first was shocked, followed by a snoring, unceremoniously hooked the man's neck.

Her elbow is ice, and the man's neck is hot.

The eagle's hand was placed on the crotch of Suyi. Although there was a layer of fabric, Su Yi felt that it was hot.

The waist is hot and the elbows are hot, even the lips under the mask are hot.

Although it was only a short moment, it was indeed a mask worn by the eagle.

She can't dare to round up here.

After the eagle got on the bus, she glanced at her and reminded me: "Safety belt."

Su Yiyi said: "Let's go eat now?"

It's only half past three, and the hotel has almost never opened.

Vulture: "Go later."

"Okay." Suyi lay back and did not ask him to take him where to go.

She feels that even if she is going to sell her, she will smile and help him deposit the money into the bank.

Of course, the eagle did not sell her, and the car turned left and right, and entered a small street.

A variety of shops are opened next to the small street. There are everything to eat, play, and go shopping. Plus, on weekends, the streets are bustling and almost all of them are young people.

Su Yi has never been to this street, it is very novel, and his face is fast on the window.

After looking all the way, she finally couldn't help but ask: "Are we shopping?"

Eagle: "No."

Su Yi retracted from the window, quickly opened his mobile phone, set a bit for himself, and then save the screen.

There are many people, and the car's body is very big. They are almost moving forward. She estimates that the eagle's feet have not left the brakes.

The car turned a corner and stopped in the parking lot of a certain community.

The parking spaces in this kind of community parking lot are almost private. Chow reminded: "It seems to be a private parking space."

When the voice just fell, I saw a man standing next to the parking space and waving at them with a smile.

Seeing her doubts, the eagle explained: "Beat the master."

The shop is not big, there are two beds and a wooden bench inside.

The beaten master stood in front of the medicinal rack and asked: "How did you get it?"

Suyi: "When you wear high heels, you can find it."

In fact, her feet are already a good seven seven eight eight. Just when the eagle asked, she couldn't help but sell it.

Unexpectedly, he would remember it and bring her to the pavilion.

The eagle sat next to her: "You look at helping her press, and it hurts for a long time. Ordinary ligament strain should be good soon."

Su Yiyi shut up and did not say anything.

"Yes, now these young girls are too focused on the image," said the master, who looked at the expression. He didn't want to pick out a bottle of medicinal liquor on the shelf. "Love is beautiful, there is no need to wear it so high." I don't know how many such bruised girls have been received."

The Beat Master moved to a small stool and took two shots on it: "Come, girl, put your feet up."

Suyi is doing what it says.

Seeing the foot of Su Yi, the eagle is confirmed.

This woman is very white.

Her feet are small and white, and she can see the blood vessels in the inner layer of the skin.

The vulture only took a look and took a look.

The beaten master put the medicinal liquor on her feet: "Girl, you wear these high heels very often, and then you will continue to do so, but the feet will be deformed."

Su Yi held his head on his knees and said vaguely: "Really? But I need work, no way, will it be ugly?"

"Of course ugly," the master's massage was skillful. "The whole finger will be distorted."

Su Yi was shocked: "So horrible? Is there any way to prevent or avoid it?"

"There is something, so I will teach you a technique. If you take off your high heels, do it as I said."

Su Yi quickly nodded: "Good."

The eagle listened and couldn't help but laugh.

"Weird," halfway down, the battered master sighed. "I have been pressing for so long. How can you not say anything? Usually, those girls who have stomped their feet come to me, they have to cry and cry." Yes. Is it my strength?"

Su Yi quickly yanked his throat and called a few scorpions.

After the massage, the beaten master sent them to the door: "Be careful next time, don't lie again."

"Okay, thank you." Su Yi smiled and said, my heart was busy complaining.

Her legs didn't hurt so much. Just after the master pressed it, it started to hurt again...

After the fall of the master, the eagle said: "How come you lie."

"Hmm??" Suyoshi eyes wide open, like a frightened female fox.

Yingying: "Isn't the foot good enough?"

Su Yi blurted out: "How do you know?"

She regretted it when she finished, and tightened her lips.

The eagle has had such many tasks, and the little hurts and pains have gone. It was not sure before, but it was all seen during the massage.

Seeing that he doesn't talk, Su Yi can only be honest: "There was no pain in the original. Just let the master press this button. It is really painful now."

The eagle smiled and said: "Oh?"

"Really," Suyi expressed his grievances, holding his shoulders and lifting his legs. "If you don't believe it, the master is very strong and red."

The eagle nodded: "If you have a pain, don't go shopping, go back." After that, he turned and walked.

I was pulled by the people behind without taking a few steps.

Su Yi squinted: "Actually... it is not too painful."

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