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Chapter 19

    Wu Xue was responsible for driving downstairs, and the whole person was wrapped in a scorpion and got into the car.

    Wu Xue still worried: "There are so many doggies with you recently, simply don't go, I can do it alone."

    "Don't talk, drive fast," Suyi played with her mobile phone and urged her. "Hurry up and go back to sleep."

    When I got to a bar, Su Yi got off the bus and said: "You little boyfriend is rich enough,"

    I have never been here, but I have heard of it.

    It is said that a card seat must be reserved two weeks in advance to be seated. There is a minimum consumption of alcohol, not to mention Liu Mingqi, who leads the meager salary of the police. Wu Xuelai’s estimate is distressed.

    Wu Xue did not speak, and the two entered the bar.

    Eleven, it is the most embarrassing moment of the bar. The lights inside are dim and dark, and the concentrated colors hit people's faces. There is a kind of fascinating decadence.

    The sly DJ song shocked the brain.

    Wu Xue made several phone calls and his face was ugly: "He won't pick up."

    "You go there to find," Su Yi casually divided the two directions, "I am going here."

    "No," Wu Xuedao said. "There are many people. Let's go one step."

    Suyi broke her hand: "How old is it, can I still walk away?"

    Su Yi first went to the toilet.

    Many people drink dizzy and fall in the toilet. The pace of the art is fast. Before they go to the toilet, they hit a person.

    It was a girl, she was petite, and she was so cold that she sat down on the ground.

    Su Yi reached out and tried to help: "Are you okay? Sorry, I am anxious."

    "...nothing, let's go," the girl's cheeks were red, and she opened her hand and stood up. "Be careful after walking... How are you so high?"

    Suyi didn't want to waste time, and she was ready to leave after apologizing.

    The result was pulled by the person behind him: "Wait, wait, are you leaving?"

    Su Yi stopped, some inexplicable: "Isn't you saying you can go?"

    The girl said: "Do you want to teach me a little high secret?"

    The whole bar was filled with wine, and she couldn’t tell if the wine was coming from the side seat or the girl in front of her.

    She frowned and lifted her legs.

    Did not take a few steps, when I turned around, I saw a few boys smiling around the girl and took her to the toilet.

    Male toilet.

    The girl's face was impatient, and she shook her hand and hit the front of the boy.

    The boys were beaten, and after the reaction, the dragging action was even greater.

    What broke the bar, the price is so high, security is so bad?

    Su Yi took down his bag and took it on his hand, then walked up.

    "What are you doing?"

    The boys heard the sound and turned their heads.

    One of them asked: "When you play with our friends, do you have any opinions, aunt?"

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