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Chapter 32

    Tunxi was stunned for a long time and couldn’t speak: "You, you..."

    There was a sound of water in the bathroom, and the art came to the sofa: "What am I?"

    "You female stars always want to approach my brother!" Tunxi airway, "My brother is different from other people, he does not play your kind of game!"

    Su Yile: "What game are we in the circle?"

    "When you sleep with resources, what..."

    Su Yi got up and took a grape and put it in his mouth: "This mess is where you heard it."

    "Why, what is messy," said Tunxi, and his voice was low. "I am not listening to it, it is my personal experience!"

    Suyi sneaked into the bathroom behind the eyes, the door was still closed, she put down the volume, can not be channeled: "You sleep a male star?"

    Tunxi was shocked: "What are you talking about!"

    "...you are not saying, is your personal experience?"

    "It’s my ex-boyfriend, not me!”

    "What?" Suyi sat up straight. "Are you not a university? How old is your boyfriend, go to sleep female stars?"

    "Where did he come to sleep in other people?!" When it came to this, the creek came up again, and sighed and replied, "I am as big as I am."

    Suyi finished eating grapes and wanted to understand.

    "He shouldn't be the one who was sleeping?"


    Yes, now the young people will really play.

    "The last time you went to the bar, is this because of this?"

    A glimpse of Tunxi: "How do you know what I am going to the bar?"

    Su Yi did not answer: "It’s not worth it for a scum male."

    Tunxi lingered for a while and wanted to understand: "Will the woman be you that night?"

    "Is it hatred?"

    "What hatred?"

    Su Yi inexplicably said: "You should not be green, light yourself to drink a boring bar."

    Tunxi said: "Otherwise, what can I do..."

    Su Yi turned a blind eye.

    I dare to use your courage to use it all.

    What is being prepared to say, the sound of the water in the bathroom stopped.

    She said: "Your brother is coming out, you should first record my micro-signal, and I will teach you when I have time."

    Tunxi wondered: "What to teach me?"

    "I still want to retaliate against the scum?"

    The opposite side was quiet for a moment, then the voice of tearing the paper: "...you said."

    After finishing the micro-signal, Su Yi said: "Okay, go to bed early, my mobile phone is broken, I can't return you for the time being. Also, although the entertainment circle is chaotic, not everyone will be willing to do those things."

    Hanging up the phone, Tunxi looked at the micro-sign in front of him, and some did not come back.

    The eagle came out of the bathroom. Suyi’s face was cleverly holding a mobile phone. “Yuxi called you, I accidentally picked it up.”

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