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Chapter 48

After the reply, she quits the page and habitually opens her own comments.

Then I saw a message from Xu Qianxi @her.

[Xu Qianxi v: Killing for many days, I haven't seen each other with my sister for a long time. When I saw it, I was so excited that the cups were unstable. Another artist was still as beautiful as ever. @宿艺[With map]

Her picture is actually a photo of their charity party a long time ago.

Su Yilian didn't want to see the comments below, nor did he want to forward comments or likes. He was preparing to turn off Weibo, and Wu Xue's phone came in.

Knowing the other party's intentions, she went to the balcony and picked it up.

Wu Xue: "How long have I been going, do you want to do things for me?"

Ceci decided to take the probation route: "Snow snow, you didn't see what they said about me, it was too much."

"You have a leg with Wu Hao," Wu Xuedao. "I have seen the news for a long time."

Su Yi looked at the question mark: "Why didn't you say that before?"

"I am not afraid of misunderstanding," Wu Xue said in a noisy environment. "And it is not a big deal. Two or three sentences can be solved. You have to mess it up. You still have to swear when you reply. You Is it too much black powder?"

"Is it a bad thing to turn off my ass?"

"Otherwise?" Wu Xue said. "How do you plan to solve it?"

Suyi leans on the railing: "Is there a solution?"

"Yes," Wu Xue did not have a good air. "One, you went up and deleted the reply. Second, I went to your number to help you delete it."


"Third, let's leave it, let the black powder spray, and just look at the clarification."

"I choose three," Su Yi didn't want to, "And I have anything to clarify? I have nothing to do with this."

"There is a water army in the comments that has been cited to you. It will be very troublesome to clarify. Besides, big stars and small assistants, how can there be such a romantic thing? If I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it. Now the comments are biased. Anzhen is going in to help you get things."

"Which is romantic? You shouldn't forget that the media not only took pictures of An Zhen, but also photographed Xu Qian."

The opposite side was silent for a few seconds: "Don't give me Xu Qianxi. Right, she Weibo @你了, have you seen it?"


"Don't take care of her, let her dry it there, see her not swearing, the province is thinking about finding things every day. OK, I hang up, I have to discuss with the company how to deal with it."

The phone hangs very quickly, and the entertainment is a bit surprising.

In exchange for the usual, Wu Xue will continue to persuade her to give Xu Qian a like.

"Is it finished?"

Turning around, the eagle was wearing a simple grey t-shirt and didn't know how long it stood behind.

"Well," Su Yi took the towel from the balcony hanger. "I also take a shower."

When she passed by the man, she reached out and squeezed his abdominal muscles through the clothes.

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