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Chapter 46

At this point, the derailment has come to an end, Wu Xue should be busy, and his mood is extremely stable.

Wu Hao had a lot of points since the scandal, and the little tricks that had been deliberately found before disappeared.

Dressing room.

Wu Xue hung up the cheongsam that Su Yi just replaced: "He is afraid that you will intervene in his broken things now, and the topic will be pulled higher, of course, will not provoke you again."

"Who wants to blend, I just want to be quiet and be a melon to eat," Su Yi smeared the lipstick with a piece of paper and took a bite of an apple. "But it's good, the whole shooting progress is much faster."

Tunxi sat unhappy in the chair.

My uncle had been trying to remind her to go back in the past two days. This time she even booked her ticket, and she was not allowed to go back to the Yang family's birthday party.

Yang Jia was still a big family ten years ago. Since Yang Lao's retreat, he has gradually declined. The family is a generation of talents. The generation is stronger than the first generation. Today, Yang Jiahe's family has long been out of a horizontal line. . However, the two families had a very close relationship with the grandfather. Although the old man has passed away, Yang Lao personally invited him, and his uncle naturally agreed.

"I will go back tomorrow," said Tunxi, who had a bite to eat a box of rice. It tasted like chewing wax. "I have been in Shanghai for so long, nothing has done, and I am staying with you in this field."

"What happened on the studio?" Su Yidao, "air-conditioning tea is waiting, still eating and drinking, where is it for you?"

Tunxi: "This time, they will definitely not let me come."

"Then you are staying there," Su Yi took a bowl of soup. "I can't wait to go back to Beijing."

Today's box lunch is sent by the eagle, and the other people's lunches are added to the meal, while the hangyi is a good and good soup, and the person is sent to the studio, saving them to go after the filming. The next restaurant is ordered for takeaway.

Wu Xuezheng was eating, and the cell phone around him rang.

She is really afraid to hear the ringing of the mobile phone. After a long time, she reluctantly picked it up. After seeing the caller ID, she found that it was called by the company.

She is busy cleaning her hands.


"Yes, she is filming in Shanghai."

"Come on, I will be able to kill for a while... The day after tomorrow? She may not have time, what happened?"

"Why don't you say this kind of thing in advance? Now the dramas in the crew are arranged. How do you ask the director to take time off?"

"...OK, I will talk to her."

Hanging up the phone, Su Yi looked up and asked, "What is it?"

"It is a temporary awarding party," Wu Xue was a little annoyed and his tone was not very good. "The day after tomorrow, I will tell you, how does this group work? If you can, please please?" If I don't want to go, I will refuse it immediately. This is a mistake in their work. If you don't go, they can't help you."

The eye of the hangyi flashed a slightly invisible light: "Where is the party?"

"Beijing," Wu Xue opened the mobile phone and flipped through the text messages sent by the company. "It's not a big award. A video platform is organized by self-entertainment. There are many awards. Almost everyone who goes there can get a consolation prize, but the basic amount of gold is basic. Zero, this platform just wants to open a live broadcast to make people popular, meaningless, my suggestion is that we don't have to go."

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