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Chapter 20

    Su Yi is in a good mood, smiles at her, does not speak.

    When she went out, Wu Xue had been urging behind, and this time it was just an ordinary pre-launch dinner. There were some plots in the middle. There was no media, so she only wore ordinary white t and gray jeans. The lower corners of the clothes are scattered in the trousers, and the exquisite figure and the long legs are conspicuous.

    Xu Qianxi wore a red dress with a sling. He also had a big brand of clutch in his hand. The makeup was thick. It was not like going to a dinner party. It was like going to the red carpet.

    Lin sister behind her smiled and said: "Xiaoyi, I haven't seen you for a long time."

    Su Yi looked at her and grabbed her mouth. It sounded faint.

    Four people entered the elevator.

    In the elevator, the perfume of Xu Qiang's body is especially strong, and the geisha has been stunned for a long time. When the elevator door is opened, it can't wait to go outside.

    The vehicles arranged by the crew were outside, because the actors lived in this hotel, so arranged a few cars, whoever got down first, got on the bus and sat down.

    The first car was just empty for two parking spaces. Suyi was trying to go up, and a red shadow flashed from the front.

    Xu Qian’s foot has stepped on the car, and then she remembered what she was like. She turned her head and said: “Art sister, I will go with you first, let Lin and her sit behind the car.” After that, she chins at Wu Xuenu Nuo. Indicate who the "her" in her mouth refers to.

    Sitting in the car, Li Min, the man and the second man, and their agents, all looked at each other silently.

    Su Yidao: "No, you and your agent go first."

    The car went away, and Su Yi simply went to the back of the car and greeted the driver: "Master, good afternoon, have you eaten?"

    Xu didn't expect the female celebrity to say hello to him. The driver snorted and nodded: "No food, you will go to eat after you have finished."

    Su Yi sat in the last position, tilted Erlang's leg, held his head in his hand, and smiled and forwarded Wei Ying's Weibo.


    Two people are like a dumb, not to say a word.

    Wu Xue sat next to her, her ass was still hot, and the phone snorted. Her special attention was on the screen.

    After seeing the content, she was a glimpse of the waist of the people around her.

    "When are you dead? Can't you tell me before you send Weibo?" Wu Xuedao.

    Suyi: "Tell me, you will not let me send."

    "Just you are smart," Wu Xue sneered. "If you and the eagle are not successful, wait for others to laugh at you."

    It doesn't matter if you have a face.

    She does not care, as long as the eagle is willing to take a step, she will not be too tired to walk 999 steps.

    Five minutes later, a girl came up. The girl wore a white dress and tied two twists. It was the female host of the play, called Cheng Anan, a newcomer who just took the lead, the class was born, and the parents were old actors. It is quite a background, coupled with the purity of the appearance, it is in line with the mistress of the "darkness", is said to be the first important role of the show.

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